Monday, February 2, 2015

Abso-didilly wrong!

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) said on Sunday that even though he opposes gay marriage for religious reasons, he has plenty of gay friends -- just like he has friends who drink, curse and enjoy ballet.
"This is not just a political issue, it's a biblical issue," he said. "It's like asking somebody who's Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli.” But Huckabee said his views won't change "unless I get a new version of the Scriptures.” (Huff Post)

Dear Mikey, dude, you certainly manage to jumble a whole lot of nonsense into one speech. You seem to merge your Good Book into the Constitution, freedom from religion into freedom of one religion, and confuse the hell out of any divide between church and sate. You know that a bunch of sheep will blindly follow your every word because you firmly insist you are nothing but an innocent messenger from Jesus, yet the messages he seems to deliver to you never quite follow suit as to what he said in the Bible, and the description of his behavior back in the day. We know you just wrote a book and PR can be a costly thing, so to sustain some dollars in promoting your book, you have decided that hate filled rants sugar coated with a bunch of amens will do the job abso-didily  easily! But those of us not taken by your exaggerated and false prophecies do have a bunch of questions for you Mikey!

This is America Mikey, and we all can have as many best friend as we wish, why we can even be selective as to who our BFF’s are or in your case are not. Good friends however, Mikey, only want fair and equal treatment. Good friends do not restrict their buds from the same rights that are granted to ourselves. Bull shit friends are users and fakers, how ‘bout you Mikey? Ya, see Mikey you state this is not a political issue, you insist it is a Biblical thing. Well then keep it that way Mikey, the Constitution is not the New Testament, it is a political statement saying that all men and finally all women should ALL pursue happiness. Your Bible, depending on which male chieftain. priest, pastor or Klansman interpreting it, tries its darnedest to segregate, eliminate and subjugate certain somebodies to lowlife status. Our Constitution is intended to free men, and your Bible seems to go out of its way to isolate the “others”. Somehow you rant and rave against Sharia Law, but seem quite content to inflict as much pain with your version of Christian Law. Oh yeah, Mikey about the bacon-wrapped shrimp in a deli, you see, if it was a government run deli that item could be on the menu because actually some people might want to eat that!

And finally Mikey you said you won’t change your views on same-sex marriage unless you get a new version of the Scriptures. Well Bud, it seems you and your cadre of homophobes insist that it is in the Scripture that Jesus declared the United States of America a Christian nation…ummm, errr, could you direct me to chapter and verse where he said that? You are so abos-didily wrong!

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