When the Gov, Scottie Walker was asked if he agreed with Rudy the (Reality Star) Giullani and his cohorts of mad hatter tea baggers, if President Obama was a Christian, little Scottie, reading from the script supplied to him by his benefactors and puppet masters the Koch’s started he wasn’t sure, then added but Scottie knew he was.
Now, I am not a Christian (which seems to be the gold standard most inbred Evangelical and Christian Crusaders measure Americans by), but I know a whole lot of people who proudly identity themselves as Christians and they use words like equality, freedom, fair and justice, words they tell me their religion is proud of. President Obama may not be a whole lot of things but he too uses words like same-sex marriage, equal pay for equal work for women, immigrants are people, affordable health care for all which when taken syllable by syllable mean, equality, freedom, fair and just. So Scottie Walker how are you NOT sure the president is NOT a Christian, while sure as tootin’ declaring that you are?
I know a lot of Evangelical Christians believe that the New Testament is the one and only true book by which this nation should be measured. A lot of the T-Publicans hate history, finding that the real facts never quite fit in with their foibles and fables. Insecure about their own existences the T-Publicans love to create fiction to prove a point, a point that moist educated and informed people would dispute with reason and rational. However, real, reason and rational have somehow been banished to the back of the road while, bias, bogus, bigotry and challenges of just how Christian you are or could be have been seem to be leading the way forward. So when Scottie Walker, running for president on the Koch Party ticket is asked about Christianity his response is that of a coward never speaking the truth but insisting on hate and loathing. This nation was once founded on freedom from religion but with the machinations and manipulations from men and women who despise anyone not like them, who fear debate or discussion, who prefer “we” vs “they” , who would rather make everyone else the OTHER, we are becoming a nation of one religion. And even more disheartening they remind us love US or leave.
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