Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thrive stupid

You permit the foolish to pretend they are smart, disguising the facts from fiction, truth from bias,  ideals from idiocy and you get a bunch of bully’s so fearful of their own failures as to try and diminish the laws of the land for anyone they deem the OTHER. Promote the lowest denominator surround them with self aggrandizing, simpletons who thrive and prosper in cesspools of bigotry peppered with portions of a Bible riddled with accusations and human inspired arguments and you get a sense of indignation and wrongful righteousness at the ready to topple the democratic principles upon which this nation was established. Hypocrisy flourishes like weeds in an unkempt garden, fallacy becomes contagious like an outbreak of measles, evil permeates the environment like the stench of smog and monsters once hidden in the crevices of stupid, ignorant, and foolish begin to walk among us.

For many of the Evangelical Christian community in America, the history of this nation is useless unless it is distorted or contorted to fit into a narration complete with never do unto others who don’t think, look, act or pray like us. The Constitution, for these modern day religious Crusaders is only convenient when its law conveniently cover their biases and segregated thinking.Don’t bring me your tired or poor, don’t expect the pursuit of happiness if you happen to be a person who is a homosexual. Nope your rights are as null and void as the contents of the Constitution we disagree with, the articles that Jesus himself surely did not pen.

So now there is a movement to Christianize this nation, making it a one religion fits all kind of enclave where the laws of the land will be based on the Ten Commandments with a few dozen other “thou shalt not’s” added to keep the “OTHERS” from enjoying equality and freedom. True Christian state’s rights will usurp the protections for people who are deemed the enemy, by people who believe they are the gate keepers for Christ. The nation-states of Arkansas passed a law to permit discrimination against LGBT people in housing, hiring and service. Oklahoma law makers want to fire any civil servant who attempts to perform same-sex marriages. Alabama’s elected Supreme Court judge insists that the abomination of same-sex marriage will NOT or NEVER become legal in his personal Christian state. The country of Idaho wants to legalize Christianity as the official religion ignoring the First Amendment of the the other country the United States Constitution.  Motivated by gerrymandered districts, buoyed by FOX propaganda network , inspired by faux religious hierarchy all of the UnAmerican actions take strong footing and are in place to make this nation Evangelical Christian.

You permit the stupid to thrive and everyone else dies!

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