In the land of Folly, truth is an outlier forced to find sanctuary elsewhere, and nowhere near the feeble minds, insincere souls, and weak kneed immoral fools who perish at the first sign of honest or real. In the land of Folly hero’s are those who can force feed a lie in matters of minutes, to the starving finger pointing peasants all waiting their turn to blame the “others” for their own dismal and undistinguished lives. Blame is a sign of courage in the land of Folly. Never point your finger toward yourself, instead find a gaggle of Gays, a coven of Women, a plantation of Blacks, a ragtag band of Immigrants and shout in your loudest voice ruination and ridicule. Remove yourself or we will take the law into our own hands and prove you the Devil, they perversely say in the land of Folly, we can make or break ignore or delight in any law we choose. History proves nothing in the land of Folly, especially if it ever proves one of our points to be just folly!
In the land of Folly, a fools paradise for demoted politicians, you can swear allegiance to your nation just because it is you saying so while at the same time throwing shade and innuendo to anyone who just makes more sense then you do. Call yourself Giuliani but call the president a traitor, a Communist, basing your baloney on nothing more then a soap box and the eyes and ears of folk praying for the Rapture and relishing in the ridiculous. Call yourself O’Riley and mimic others for lying about their heroics, while the most heroic thing you have ever done was bully a guest or two on your television show, languishing in the laughter of losers, pouring cool aid into their drooling and deliriously dopey mouths. Say you love your dad and brother but that you not a Bush like they are while surrounding yourself with men and women who lied about taxes, weapons of mass destruction, the economy, and actually caring for the minorities. In the land of Folly, you can run for the highest office of the land while being a marionette for the billionaires who somehow love climate change, income inequality, and have’s over the have nots! Have no remorse as you cow tow to the lowly lemming, and have the highest praise for the powerful and perverse!
The land of Folly sadly is as pervasive and perversive in the US as is ISIL in the Middle East. Bands of commandos disguised as FOX News Entertainers, Evangelical Christian Broadcasters, T-Publican politicians have sabotaged the Constitution, abandoning it for an abridged version of a Bible filled more with babble then soul. Bands of religious terrorists have taken to state courts and legislatures insisting that their God the white guy named Jesus who doubled as the first president of the United States caused the Revolutionary War to maintain freedom for one religion, a caste system keeping heterosexual white men as plantation owners, and for the Ten Commandments to be taught as history. The land of Folly is like a virus for the stupid, never managing the truth but filling American bodies with a fever of the foolish and a virulent virus fir the bigot, biased and bogus. In the land of Folly no one ever wins, but a while lot of people lose and will become lost.
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