If I wanted to I could pretend that I understood the homophobia of the self proclaimed Evangelical Christians elected to government who somehow have misconstrued the words of an abridged Bible for a derelict direction of the US Constitution; Oklahoma state legislators trying to pass laws criminalizing state employees performing same-sex marriages orAlabama state officials trying to ban any and all marriages performed by the state so they can discriminate against same-sex marriages. If I wanted to I could pretend that hate and bogus were symptoms of really righteous religious people who felt that their God’s bias usurped the law and character of this nation. If I wanted to I could turn the other cheek and sadly say religion has clouded the views of the innocent blinding any truth or fact from finding its way to govern a nation founded on freedom from religion. But I am tired of all that and certainly sick of permitting a band of anarchists, from denying my rights, circumventing my equality, and using their belief in God as a scapegoat for bigotry, ignorance and loathing. I have let FOX News, Limbaugh radio, some perceived T-Publican base of voters, and a band of Fascists and terrorists run rampant rewriting history, plagiarizing our Constitution, and insisting that only their morals and values count.
If I wanted to I could laugh at the cadre of clowns posing as potential T-Publican candidates for the 2016 presidential race. But these men and women are not funny, they are scary clowns and everyone knows that scary clowns only cause death and destruction. These clowns have insisted that some Americans should die before providing them with affordable health care, that poverty is a self inflicted addition like drugs and alcohol, that science is the antichrist. These fools have suggested that only the wealthy deserve a cut in taxes, climate change is a liberal joke and that wars are necessary to proclaim the US as a nation of superiority. These clowns love throwing pies in the faces of females still declaring that rape can either be legitimate or laughable,that women's reproductive rights are wrong, and fair pay for women is not what God had intended when he created Eve from Adam’s rib! I have let the self loathing ladies of FOX, American Family Foundation, and the Daughters of the American Revolution too much room in speaking for the women I call my daughter, sisters , aunts, nieces and friends grovel for their male masters much too much, pretending that equality is like excpetionalism, and reproductive rights are nothing more but whorish and witch craft.
I do not want to let one more coward become the bully. I do not want one more politician elected from a gerrymandered district to initiate laws based on bias. I do not want to hear that Jesus, Reagan and Cheney were the perfect presidents. I do not want to sit back idly as Geraldo tells black young men to not wear hoodies, Limbaugh calls independent thinking women sluts, the state of Texas burns books, and the T-Publicans try to shut down the government just because Barack Obama is the president. I do not want this nation to forget its history replacing facts with pretend, pundents as patriots and bigots as leaders. Lies, deception, bias and hate have somehow taken priority leaving reason and rational in a dead heat to die. If i wanted to i could keep my head in the sand hoping that the ship of fools would sail by me. But the more I pretend the stupid are going away, the more stupid I become.
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