Living in America in 2016 a land where compromise, facts and truth are becoming more difficult to both discern and and discover I am want to try one more time and embrace all three. To start I must admit that I am an American, I was raised in a Reform Jewish home I was born Gay and I embraced a Liberal and Progressive form of politics. I want to be clear where some of my thought processes originated and perhaps my bias’s. I have come write many a blog where i vehemently disagree with people I believe who have different opinions then me, and now I want to reach out and understand why. It is almost like visiting another country where you do not speak the language but wish to immerse yourself in the local countries to better understand what they say. So to better assist me in my thought process, here are a flew questions:
If Evangelical Christian Tea-Party Republicans insist that same-sex marriages defy God’s purpose to keep the sanctity of family life, I really would like to know how these same people justify supporting a presidential candidate TRUMP who is one his third wife after having and adulterous affair with another woman and having a child out of wedlock? No judgement by me on TRUMP sewing his oats, just a need to understand how that type of marriage is okay in God’s eyes. If Evangelical Christian Tea-Party Republicans believe that life begins the moment the egg and sperm unite, what seems to be the difficulty in permitting that life to have affordable health care, live with a family who can afford shelter, food and and education, and not worry that a good guy may suddenly turn into a bad guy and use his assault weapon to murder, in the name of God? I also want to know why Evangelical Christian Tea-Party Republicans seem to go crazy when an Imam shouts from his holy pulpit to kill, murder and maim, but when an Evangelical Pastor urges his Congregation to murder, kill and maim, he is embraced by Tea-Party Republican candidates, but gets a rousing A-MEN at the end of his sermon? And finally I want to better understand how Evangelical Tea-Party Republicans define a Muslim who commits mass murders as a terrorist, but seem to think when white Christians murder elementary school kids, movie goers, patients at Planned Parenthood Clinics and Black Church’s those good guys with guns are ONLY mentally ill?
I want to make sure when I am critical of the Evangelical Christian Tea-Party Republicans and all they say and do I understand why. I am not of the Christian faith, nor am I a registered Tea-Party Republican, so I am sincerely asking is there an 11th Commandment or rules in the Republican rule book that say hypocrisy is an act of God?
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