Silence = Death was a term used by ACT UP to demonstrate how the government of the United States reacted to the early years of HIV AIDS. The silence was deafening and too many men and women died because of that silence. Once again innocent Americans have died from the use of an Assault Weapon and all we get from the Republican led House and Senate is silence. All the Republican politicians can offer whenever lives are taken by Assault Weapons is of course to offer prayers (What kind of God is just satisfied with prayers), and of course the perfunctory moment of silence.What I wonder is what happens when the silence ends…wait I know, just the sound of bullets ricocheting off of the bodies of the innocent.
“I was just following orders”, a very common plea heard by the German soldiers when the Allies finally took back the landscape of Europe. It was never the German soldiers fault to maim, or murder, nope there was a higher power who forced them to behave like heathens. The majority of Republicans in Congress have used the same excuse of “following orders” for doing nothing but permitting Americans to die by then use of deadly force. The Republicans are told by their bosses the NRA that guns don’t kill, only good guys use guns correctly and that any background check is either un American or better yet Un-Christian. The perfect soldier for the NRA, Senator Mitch McConnell has openly admitted his bosses don’t want any discussion on limiting Assault Weapons, and the Senator from Kentucky moves his lips just the guilty German soldier did, “I am just following orders.”
The GOP never has a problem in saying the words Transexual when they need to worry about bathrooms, The GOP never has a problem in saying the word homosexual when it comes to marriage equality or adoptions, but suddenly with the mass murder of 49 individuals of which the majority were Gay, suddenly the GOP can not say even mutter the letters LGBTQ. Amazing how eager the GOP was to deny equal rights to a segment of this nation, and so able to identify them as such; but almost every the Republican politician has not found he or she able to say it was Gays who died at a Gay bar.
Did you hear about the Imams who shout that homosexuality is sin worth killing the sinner. We all know those Muslims are nothing but sub-human beings. But did you bother to hear about Pastor Kevin Swanson who said it was a good thing that 50 Sodomites died Pastor Steven Anderson who said homosexuality is a sin and such a bad one that death is the only answer, or Pastor Franklin Graham who proudly announced that we all should follow Vladimir Putin’s example of punish, jailing and maybe murdering homosexuals. Did you hear about the Christian religion being the more moral, the better one then Islam?