Senator Jeff Session Republican of the nation state of Alabama had little difficulty in the past saying the words homosexual and transgendered. Why he would stand in front of the parishioners of almost any Evangelical or Baptist Church and say how the homosexual or transgendered can’t use the bathroom, the bedroom or make use of a marriage license. But somehow when Senator Sessions was asked about the massacre and murders at Pulse NightClub, Senator Sessions became tongue tied, and all he could muster up was that the Pulse was a young person’s club. The words Gay Bar just seemed too difficult for the Senator from Alabama. Senator Session’s is as big a con as Donald Trump, the guy Senator Sessions vehemently supports, and Senator Sessions realized exactly when to use the words homosexual and transgendered; when those two words are followed by sinner. Senator Sessions knows his so called religious crowd of stupid would not tolerate in their Christian minds that Gay people are worth talking about even when they are dead.
Senator Sessions is from the nation state of Alabama where the Republican Governor, Robert Bently, the Republican Speaker of the House, Michael G Hubbard, and the Republican Chief Justice, Roy S. Moore are under investigation for criminal acts and ethic violations, of course Republican Jeff Sessions had nothing much to say about his corrupt politicians, because being a Republican Senator Sessions was following the Ronald Reagan 11th Commandment of “Thou shalt never talk shit about another Republican no matter how heinous a crime they may commit.’’ And remember Ronald Reagan never spoke about the AIDS epidemic, believed in the land of ‘trickle down economics’, and of course stated to the American public that even though his head told him to participate in the Iran Contra deal his heart was never behind it!
I chose Senator Sessions to blog about because currently the Senator is latest “This is a Christian nation politician to demonstrate just how empty of values he and his fellow Jesus Bless America Republican cronies have become. Senator Sessions is a proud Trump Republican, he can vocalize on the ills of the other but finds it so difficult to reflect on himself and his political party. It was a Gay Bar where people were murdered, they were murdered by a homophobic religious zealot using an Assault Weapon. All Senator Sessions had to say is one more mass shooting, one more homophobic knee jerk reaction, one more time the Republicans are weak in governing this nation. But then Senator Sessions is like all of his Republicans compadres, and no honest words will ever be spoken.