Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hashtag Nervous

It is difficult not to at least read one or two Tweets from Donald Trump. Of course now playing a shell game, we most likely won’t be reading many more Tweets from Trump, because you know, “He is becoming more presidential, like” . So his TEAM, his surrogates will handle it. (A monkey’s ass is still a monkey’s ass). When Donald was relegated to just poop on the Republican base, he was the best, better, most and most-est with his Twitter Account. And if you had read the juvenile Tweets Trump is so sweet on posting you should have followed a pattern with each hashtag. Donald Trump is so shallow he even gives away his next move, thinking that if he calls out someone in a negative way, then of course that person cannot really be taken seriously if they come back at him with the same name calling. It’s that childhood game we all played, but stopped doing so when we matured, “I Am BUT What Are You.”

Think about it for a moment, when Trump used words like #Lyin’, he wanted to make sure no one caught on to his lies. When he would call out some for #Crazy, he wanted to certainly let the public know he ain’t nuts. When he called anyone #Cheatin’ he hoped no one would mention his real estate holdings or Trump University. Trump is a narcissist,and smart Americans should look closely at the next hashtag he uses, because most likely he is afraid he might be found out the fraud that he is. Narcissists are overly insecure, so always attempting to be on the offense is their motive of operation.

So now Donald Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen (A Jewish guy you White Supremacist, and Neo Nazi’s) has begun to hashtag for his client using the word “Murderer”. Knowing Trumps track record of trying to fend off the foe before they discover more about him, one has to wonder! #Nervous