Did you hear the story about a Muslim who walked into a Gay bar in Orlando, of course with his necessary assault weapon, who decided to murder as many homosexuals, because his God, couldn’t stomach the thought of two men or two women kissing. And did you hear how this Muslim was immediately referred to as a terrorist. And did you hear how the Trump Republicans responded by insisting that the Islam-ban would have made America safer. Did you hear about the White Christian guy who packed his necessary assault weapons and a few other explosives, traveling from Indiana to celebrate Gay pride in West Hollywood, he wanted to to make a bang up entrance. This White Christian guy from Indiana knew that his God, was cowering in some dark section of Heaven fearful that the homosexuals might destroy the Christian religion. And did you hear how this White Christian was JUST a deranged and disturbed individual. And did you hear anybody from the Trump Republican Party call him a terrorist?
Did you hear the story about how guns don’t kill? And did you hear the story how the Trump Republican Party politicians all bought and paid for by the NRA know that only good guys own guns? And while you were listening have you heard ANY proposed new laws to actually state that good guys with guns can easily murder innocents as bad guys with guns? Or have you heard that GUNS DO KILL?
If you are Black in America and you carry an assault weapon you are a thug. If you are of the Muslim faith in America and you carry an assault weapon you are a terrorist. If you are a Caucasian American and you carry an assault weapon you are just keeping America safe and are called a Patriot. Did you hear any Trump Republican Party politician actually say enough is enough we MUST do something, ANYTHING to stop our love affair with the gun? Of course NOT!