Once again we witness how fear, loathing, and of course ignorance of the facts triumphs when those who know nothing but hate are motivated to vote against their own interests. Like drinking the Kool-Aid at Jonestown, like occupying the Malheur National Park with the Bundy Clan, like the murderers in Helter-Skelter following Charles Manson, like viewers of FOX News, the less informed about fact but fully poisoned by bigotry have done what most cult members do and implode. The Brits can do as they wish, but the lesson to be learned of their exit from the EU is as long as a perceived enemy is made real in the eyes of the self imposed victims, then stupid will rum rampant. If anything, Trump is a prime example of a marketing man a con artist who knows EXACTLY how to cater to those who place blame on anyone else but themselves. Today Britain and their Nationalism first vote has started the ride to the past, when The Fatherland preached to its citizens Germany First! Lots to be worried about in the United States as Donald Trump pounds the xenophobic drums declaring America First. Will this nation meet Britain as we slide backwards into a pool of blood?