Friday, June 3, 2016

Think Again

Karl Rove knew that men suffering from narcissism were empty portals devoid of val conscience. He was a masterful puppeteer, not interested in the welfare of anyone but himself. He found himself a muse named George Bush, primped him aimed and also pimped him filling his head with bigger, better, and best. You are a wealthy guy I assume Karl said to George W, you need a new toy to play with, let me take you to the toy store. Knowing nothing but privilege, and having had a daddy who in George W’s case was born before him, little Bush junior was ready. I can run a baseball team, so being president of the United States will be a cake walk. Peppering George W with falsehood about Georgie’s capabilities and knowing how much a narcissist is devoid of anything but ego, Karl Rove mangled and managed to convince a compassionate conservative would suit the needs of a nasty nation. Karl Rove was the puppet master but pulling the strings was not exactly the answer, so Rove hired a henchman to become the ventriloquist, Dick Cheney. Cheney would whisper the words as Georgie Junior , empty and dumb recited them. A rich spoiled brat  used to getting his own way became president, and the world as we knew changed for the worse almost immediately. 

Donald Trump is similar to George W Bush but even a bit slower and less intelligent. Twitter which allows for few words and many words not in the English discourse is the way Trump speaks, name calling and adolescent behavior is his most articulate way of communicating, and lying his ass off is a means of stating his purpose. Like George W, Donald Trump is empty but he can brag bigger, better and more boisterously then most and knows how to build facades from which to hide behind. Those who think using Playstation makes them soldiers, who believe that paying preachers to speak to God make them holy, who honestly recite the mantra FOX is fair and balanced, and who hate themselves but blame the Black guy in the White House for their failures, love them some Donald.  The GOP, having no moral and values, only contempt for real democracy , knew that Bush was loser, know that Trump is a bigger loser, but are savvy enough to understand their man in the White House will in fact Trump everything else.

And then we have the Dems, who love to ALWAYS shoot themselves in the foot. Principles must be maintained, and if you don’t respect my description and definition of what a true Progressive/Liberal/Democrat is, I will F you over. Dems, seem to believe it is my way or no way at all. Hillary is not the lesser of two evils, she is not a liar (unless you believe everything fraudulent the GOP and FOX News say about her). The Dems who say, just wait something will stick, live in a world of third party candidates, who only diminish the Dem vote, or only want a demagogue to be their party leader. There is one evil and that is Donald Trump. The GOP understand that Trump offers bigotry, racism, misogyny and xenophobia but “Hey, lets just get him into the White House, who cares if we are hypocrites” The Dems want blood, they want revenge, not on the GOP but upon themselves. Bernie or Hillary, fine, with candidates say words like inclusion, equality, minorities fair and justice. But the Dems seem to think site will win the day. We as Dems need to think again!