All pious and pompous, Paul Ryan boasts that if Trump is elected president, no one should worry, because (Ryan), will pass laws restricting some of the presidential responsibilities. Ryan’s Republican cadre of anarchists in Congress have some experience doing just that as from the moment President Obama was elected to office by a large majority of voters, the GOP pledged to ignore anything Obama proposed. Paul Ryan, the GOP go to guy, is anything but smart. He is nothing but a self absorbed political puppet who pretends his religion, his God Bless America, his lack of of understanding the Constitution, his allegiance to both his political aspirations, and Party, make him the NEXT BEST THING.
But here is the THING, Mr Speaker, EVEN if you and your GOP henchmen try to rewrite the obligations and responsibilities of and by the president in doing his job, he is still the president. So, President Trump, WILL still have secretive, confidential information to share with his master, Vladimir Putin. Paul Ryan you are a traitor to democracy as you continue to speak in your hypocritical hyperbole saying you disagree with most of Trumps tirades, but Party comes first as does an activist Conservative Supreme Court you are hoping for. Paul Ryan, you become a co-anarchist swearing your allegiance to the GOP presidential candidate Trump, and if he is elected even if the Supreme Court is filled with anti-women’s rights, anti gay rights, anti people of color rights, anti freedoms rights,it won’t matter, BECAUSE Paul Ryan, President Trump, having only allegiance to the highest bidder, will sell us out to Russia. Remember, Paul Ryan, a con is a con is a con, and a fool is a fool is a fool… no matter how pious and pompous you think you are!