“How can he top that”, many of us who want democracy to at least survive a little longer in this nation, EXCLAIM! But Trump does even better. He not only tops it but goes to the next extreme to do so. Those who only need to hear the soothing words from a Cult leader assuring them that the faults in this world are NEVER of their making but THOSE of the enemies around them, encourage bigger, better and the most outrageous statement.And he complies. On Tuesday, he called Hillary the Devil and did not silence one of his cultist Trump Youth Brigade followers when he continued to call Hillary a Bitch. With no sense of obligation to anyone but himself, he continues to disparage, degrade, and deploy the most vulgar, venomous and vile rhetoric. All narcissists care about is SELF. Trumps only cares that he may be found out and his response is just one more empty promise of threats.
Donald Trump is Freddy Kruger who has stepped out of your dreams and now is willing to slash your throat in the daylight while you are wide awake. He has in the past been permitted to do so by a media enamored by the ratings he brought to their corporate masters. He has been permitted to do by the Pray for Pay nasty bunch of Evangelicals who read the 11th Commandment as thou shall be a hypocrite. And as I said earlier, by a population permeated with lies, bigotry, re-writes of history, and a love for country, called the Confederate States of America.
“How can we stop him”, many of us scream in fear. But what we get in response is almost as frightening as the mad man we are trying to stop from becoming the President of the USA. The majority of current elected Republicans, so afraid of their bigoted base, insist that Trumps words in NO way represent the Republican Party, but the cowards these Republican politicians have become, they stop and even in John McCain’s case, get pissy that we would have the audacity to ask them to Un-Endorse Trump. The reply from these band of spineless anarchists is “He is our parties choice. Party over Country (Something, most active Communist nations, and those countries run by dictators recite every day). Or we hear supposedly intelligent reporters/journalists try to ask questions, many with a simple yes or no, only to be embarrassed by inane and insane non responses of the surrogates, providing nothing more but campaign bullshit. For me, Donald Trump will run away, deny, and lie and in his world there are no consequences for those behaviors. I am afraid of this man, but I am VERY, VERY scared of those who have the power to diminish the flames of hate and refuse to do so. And I am most worried, that win or lose this nation will suffer. Trump wins, freedom dies. Trump loses many Americans will still die, as his band of militia will demand a revolution.