For all you ‘purty’ Lassies who work (You do know the Evangelical Jesus prefers you stay home, cook the meals for your master and lie down and let him produce more kids), but if you are a Gal who feels a bit contrarian toward any orthodox religious discrimination toward women and happen to earn a pay check, Donald Trump and his acorn son, Donnie Junior (Misogynistic insecure males never fall too far from their Daddy’s wallet), have some Manly words of advice for you.
On Tuesday, both Daddio Donnie and is son Daddio Junior, when asked about the many complaints by female employees who worked for Roger Ailes (at the propaganda headquarters for the Republican Party, FOX) regarding HIS workplace sexual harassment accusations; both Trumpies did not miss a beat and played their usual game of avoidance. In the manner America has become accustomed to, neither men answered the question about both the illegality of sexual harassment or their thoughts about Mr Ailes alleged actions. Nope, instead of being forthright and honest both men stated very clearly that it was the female who needed to be more assertive. Go to PR and complain…just quit…find another job for God’s sake.
Yep you ‘Working Girls’, shit happens, so deal with it. You are a female, what do you expect? If you had the same balls as your male supervisor, you wouldn’t complain that he broke the law…no indeedio…pick up your too frail little missy ego and get another job. Men are just being men, come on this is America or at least the America of the 1950’s.