One of the more well-known Simpson’s episodes is “Homers Enemy” in which the perpetually grumpy Frank Grimes joins the power plant staff and is quickly appalled by the dangerous antics of Homer Simpson. The lack of consequences for Homer’s actions drives Grimley insane, to the point where he accidentally kills himself. The episode essentially answered the question of “what if someone from the real world had to deal with Homer Simpson?” The answer was that they’d be disgusted. This isn’t surprising as Homer does a lot of foolish — and at times downright disturbing — things, and he rarely receives any consequences for them. Best Moment:Grimes: "I'm saying you're what's wrong with America, Simpson. You coast through life, you do as little as possible and you leach from decent hard working people like me. Ha! If you lived in any other country in the world you would have starved to death long ago." Bart: "He's got you there, dad." (Digital Spy).
Trump has been compared to almost every cartoonish buffoon, every childish spoiled brat, every mindless, self-serving, psychopathic lying con artist, and to every immoral infamous figure our human history can re-imagine. And yet, Trump triumphs as if the Devil himself has anointed Trump as the anti-Christ, the evil-doer, the madman marching with disregard for nothing or no one unless there is a dollar sign in front his or her name. The pure demonstration of a valueless life, empty, void, vile, but STILL a life which receives a great reward and very little punishment. Trump is, both in stature and in ignorant intent a real-life Homer Simpson…and episode after episode, day after day, fumbles his way through life and gets away with whatever gets in his way.
Now, we are warned, as the genuine probes begin, not the façade of committee meetings run by blackmailed Republicans, that if those damn Democrat Socialists dare delve into the mysteries that are Donald Junior, Ivanka, Eric or Prince Jared, all Hell will break open from the smarmy depths of Trump's origins, and he will and extract all or anyone who dare challenge the crooked ways of the Trump Crime Family. And to Trump’s aid, as always, the GOP leadership pretend that Family Values matter and they too will somehow NOT permit the angelic offspring of the despot Trump to be harmed. It is as if since these adults able to carry off crimes with a wink of an eye, is to be treated as innocent offspring. Interesting isn’t it that the orphaned, sexually abused brown kid collected in cages don’t count…the lead poisoned kids of Flint are of little matter. The kids of Puerto Rico without enough electricity or clean water, are just nagging spoiled brats, and of course, the kids whose family’s allotment of food stamps, or school lunches has bee cut are of no importance. Trumps Klan of Donnie, Eric, Ivanka, and Prince Jared are adults, but somehow to be perceived as “UNTOUCHABLES”, even as they plot and plan, launder money and lie, and cozy up closely with the most authoritarian dictators and murders in the world, and act as anarchists…just to feed their addictions of greed and gluttony. Trump and his kids are enemies of the state, and they disgust a majority of real-life people…isn't it time ALREADY, to provide these misfits the same shit, they so gladly plop on the United States!