During the ’50s, when my grandmother and her sisters had family gatherings, many of which included their first and second cousins, my sisters and I realized, that once the gossip had transitioned from English into Yiddish than a bit of Romanian, something juicy must have been the current topic. No whispering, so the grandkids shouldn’t hear, just a change in language, which for some reason made my relatives feel more comfortable in continuing their conversation. However, back in the day, there did come an item of discussion in which the language remained in English, but the tone, the volume, and the depth of my relative’s speech became low and almost sullen. My siblings and I realized, later in life that the lowering of the voices and the deep almost guttural sound was used whenever my grandmother and her relatives were discussing the C word…Cancer…As was tradition in my Romanian Jewish home, superstition suggested that if you never said the word Cancer, or Divorce or Alcoholic, but instead used the first letter, the invisible brigade of demons, known as the Pooh-Pooh People, would ignore you and no harm would or should come your way, or toward the person about whom you were just speaking. Even if the Cancer was there, even if the diagnosis was awful, never say Cancer just mention in a deep hushed voice, so deep in a tone that even the Pooh-Pooh People could not hear it.
Now here we find ourselves, with the Dems afraid of the Pooh-Pooh People and running away from using the I word, regarding the Compromised Russian Agent, Money Launderer-In Chief, Narcissistic Liar, Con Artist named Trump. Somehow, with all the evidence, all the subpoenas, the refusal to abide by the laws of the US Constitution, the internment and murder of asylum seekers, the statements of Good Nazi’s, the blissful arrogance of ignoring Security Protocol for his Princess Ivanka and her Prince Jared, the private meetings with Putin and the lack of concern for giving one shit about the Emoluments Clause…the Talking Heads and the Head Honcho’s of the DNC are being manipulated by the very wise and well-versed propaganda machine of the Republicans and Putin…and pretend that time is not ready to say lets IMPEACH Trump. The mother fucker Donald Trump has wiped his ass with our Constitution, his court jesters McConnell and the entire GOP is wiping up the shit still lingering from the orange ass…and somehow all we can do as Dems is a whisper, in low guttural tones is the I word…
If you have Cancer you have a terrible and devastating disease, don’t ignore the fact, don’t hush up about it…tell those you love you love them, provide guidance and care…the word is Cancer, not the C word…and likewise if an agent for the enemy is committing all kinds of treasonous acts, breaking all kinds of laws, and is mentally ill at the same time, tell him so, SCREAM IT. Just saying the I word is suicide for this nation and its democracy…Come on Dems say IMPEACHMENT and say it again and again! The truth is hard to hear!