March 11, 2019, by Gerry Buncher. First, let’s begin with the Talking Heads, a subgroup of human beings who live in an Ivory Tower, glancing to the world beneath, and pretending that they have insight and vast knowledge of the innermost thoughts of people called politicians. (Politicians another subgroup of human, paid and pampered for, and held tightly by a puppets string, to never take a chance to vote their conscience, but rather take a bribe, and walk away from claiming any responsibility always pretending that what they say and do in Congress is either for Jesus, or Family Values) But back to the Talking heads, who seem to sprout as mushrooms might in a very damp and moist forest filled with rotting trees and debris of all kind. These Talking Heads are only out surpassed as useless minions, by TV News Entertainers, who often times look for the flash and the wham-bam rather than the substance and the relevance of information that can and should make a difference. The TV News Entertainers are a bit like retailers always looking at the next shopping season, instead of concentrating on the here and now. (For example, the minute the clock ring 12:00 am December 26, we are filled with Valentines, Hearts, and just to trick the Irish out of you a wee bit of green for Saint Paddy’s Day). America is in a crisis, the current occupant of the White has been labeled mentally ill for quite some time, he has demonstrated great admiration for enemies of the state, and lies about lying, then lies he never lied and to finish off the circle of lies, swears if he lied, it was not a lie because he believed it to be true…and yet, with very little movement accomplished on securing our democratic process of voting, securing each and every vote counts, and refusing to SCREAM out loud each and every day about, yet another law was broken or ignored…The Talking Heads enabled by the TV Cable News Entertainers can only opine about the 2020 candidates running for the office of President…and to make matters worse, these potential presidential candidates, actually believe the election of 2020 will not be as rigged nor hacked as was the election of 2016…
March 11, 2019, by Gerry Buncher. Now let’s discuss the slimy, sinister, anything you can do I can do better gang over at FOX, a Nazi propaganda government-controlled media outlet…oops, my bad I meant to say a Trump/Republican propaganda-controlled media outlet…but then again you say tomato and I say tomato! The Fascist fools over a FOX, full of overly dramatic rage and honest to God Racism are now trying their best to out bad, one another. I mean how much more exposure is Sean Hannity entitled to, when in fact both Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson are chomping at the bit to ALSO establish domestic and foreign policy. It ain’t fair, I say, that only Sean gets to talk to Trump on his unsecured phone…why Tucker is trying his best defame and destroy as many women as Trump claims to grab by their private parts, Tucker is so ready to place women back in Adam’s rib or at least call them chattel. And Laura, now that Megyn Kelly is out of the way and Ann Coulter is considered a witch, is dying to be the Mother of all Racists. Both Tucker and Laura are ready for an MMA battle, each one wanting to be the nastiest sons of bitches on FOX!
March11, 2019, by Gerry Buncher. And then there is the anti-Semitism thing-a-ma-jig. Now it seems the Dems are the Jew Haters…hmmm, Mike Pence and his cult of American Christian Jihadists want all Jews to move to Israel so the Rapture will arrive on time, Sheldon Adelson could give a rat’s ass when Trump identifies some Nazi’s a good people. And Sheik Jared Kushner, is best buds with the Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman, concocting way and means to murder journalists, share top secrets from the US and help assist the Saudi’s to build a nuclear facility…of course all of that so Sheik Jared can consolidate all his bills and build more real-estate, which just like his daddio-in-law will have no idea how to keep it from drowning in debt all over again. Are we ALL dumb, deaf, blind and brain dead…right in front of our eyes the snake oil is being sold, and yet no one has really faced the fact the snake oil, aside from being phony is full of poison!