Tax evasion…eh, forget about it…launder some money…nice job if you can get it…support and create action plans for despots/dictators, so ruthless as to murder their own citizens…nobody’s perfect…perjure yourself to Federal prosecutor…this is America isn’t free speech a thing…lie than cover that lies with another lie, and then refuse to remember what you lied about in the first place…don’t we all have problems remembering things…work directly with heads of state whose intent is to destroy the democratic process in the world, let alone of this country…everyone needs a job…be a con, be s snarky self-serving slimy sinister insidious individual…we all have our negative sides…
The judge (Thomas Selby Ellis III is a Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, appointed by Ronald Reagan.) in the Paul Manafort case said, besides committing multiple felonies, he "lived an otherwise blameless life" Manafort ran the "torturers' lobby" -- representing countries that committed gross human rights violations and helping them secure U.S. aid. Ellis said that Manafort has "been a good friend to others, a generous person." The judge added: "He has lived an otherwise blameless life." Ellis said before delivering the sentence that he was "surprised" he did not hear Manafort "express regret" in his remarks. (NBC NEWS)
Imagine, a guy not named Paul, a guy named Pedro or Omar, or Shaquille, perhaps his skin color was a dark black, a pale yellow, a medium brown…Imagine he wore a hoodie, or had arms full of tattoos, cornrows in his hair, had turban…was just walking down a street, maybe driving his car, maybe just standing in front of a business for more than 10 minutes…Imagine Lady justice actually wearing her blindfold completely covering both eyes, and her scales evenly balanced…Imagine if anyone brought before Justice T.S. Ellis was a Democrat, and not a Trump compromised agent, owing millions of dollars to an Oligarch, beholden to Putin…Imagine if Judge T.S. Ellis comprehended that by working for foreign agents bent on the destruction of this nation’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, the Felon was in fact NOT a good friend to Americans, and not generous by any standards to the morals and values that once made America Great…And so it goes…justice denied, justice ignored, and worst of all justice having a load of bull shit and piss dripped and dropped all over it…And Judge T.S. Ellis was surprised the blameless and good friend to others, Manafort expresses regret…with no conscience, no sense of compassion, no empathy…just greed and gluttony…who has time for remorse!