There are moments during this current horrific period of history when I cannot imagine, the reality in which I find myself living, to be anything more than a poorly written macabre melodrama filled with all the virtues of evil and void of a single speck of good. I started writing my posts as a means to at least go on record that I tried to change the morbid momentum of the moment, that idea morphed into acknowledging that I at least did not remain silent as the balance of democracy no longer lingered on equality and freedom, resting heavily instead on greed, and gluttony, NOW to have finally discovered that everything, every iota of existence ruminates and roils on the madness and insanity which is TRUMP. The TRUMP stench permeates the air we breathe, the soil upon which we walk to the daily conversations in which the same question is always asked… how does TRUMP remain in office and STILL able to change the course of human life with a lie, fiction, and fear!?
My blog today, was going to bemoan the fact that sanctions on North Korea are going to be altered because TRUMP, like Chairman Kim, even as Chairman Kim is fucking Donald Trump in his ass. My blog today was going to remind the Jews who actually believe that TRUMP is a fan, of just how many “good Nazi’s” TRUMP has bragged about. My blog today was going to be about how the Secretary of State had the audacity to compare TRUMP to Queen Esther, telling the world how TRUMP is a blessing from the Lord (not just any Lord), the but the guy who is to come back to Earth in a Second Coming and destroy the non-Christian believers). My blog today was going to be about how silly the parade of 2020 Dem candidates look and sound as they begin to gain their 15 minutes of fame thinking that we actually are going to have a democracy in place in 2020, permitting any kind of election.
But, knowing that we are living in the worst of times, I decided to wait, I knew, no matter what else, whatever the current crop of bull shit rotting in the daily news as inflamed and odorous, something even worse would arise…and for me it did…something simple, but having a conscience something utterly ugly and unseemly! There was Humpty Trumpty playing golf at Mar-A-Lago, another trip costing me my tax dollars…there he was more concerned about his swing, his stance his approach to the ball…giving one shit about anything else. And here was I walking home from the gym, passing at least a dozen people lying on the street, begging for money, or finding a perfect patch of property to call home for the night. Is this a parallel universe, a pretentious puppet of Putin playing golf in a wonderland of bling and bogus…while a common man and woman is just trying to exist. And what can I do, when I run out of cash in my wallet to at least pretend I made a dent in their misery. I DON’T get it, folks…It DOESN’T make sense…and somehow today will end and tomorrow begin, and the have’s will be glad and the have not’s will be granted one more day to try and survive!