Each and every day, I become aware of more things I never learned in all of my Social Studies and Civics classes throughout my public-school life. And even as I studied American Government in college, I am amazed at the really precise and particular facts, that NEVER appeared in an essay or article. As much as this nation prides itself to be of the people for the people, with the hacking into office of Trump, the gerrymandering and suppression efforts and laws of the Republican Party, and the bribery and blackmailing, dark money, and money laundering toward the RNC, (and some really good con artists of the Democrat party) whose members understand a fair and honest voting process will never permit their bigoted ideas to find a foundation, there are so many sneaky, small print or no print at all information creating a specific and separate Royal Life for our elected officials.
Did you know that Children of Congress members do not have to pay back their student loans? Staffers of Congress family members are also exempt from having to pay back student loans. Members of Congress can retire at full pay even after one term. Members of Congress have exempted themselves from many laws they have passed which ordinary citizens must live. In the example, Congress is still exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment. And the latest example they have exempted themselves from Healthcare Reform in all of its aspects. The biggest question WE all should be asking is: Why can Congress make laws that apply to citizens of the United States that will NOT apply equally to the Senators, and or the House of Representatives.
Not only is there a MAJOR discrepancy in percentages of wealth and poverty in this nation…the ability to push forward legislation because of corporation perks, lobbyist bribery, and Corporations as people…but slowly, quietly, discretely and art times with full intention to just fuck over the average American, Congress has developed its own hierarchy and class system. Think about, how Mitch McConnell can decide which ideas are brought forward that might be popular among the majority of Americans and not just his donors…think about how the Speaker of the House may or may not oversee the violations of the Executive Branch…think about, no matter how awful the politician he or she can still maintain the perks and privileges entirely free but at the cost of the taxpayer…and think how many ex-politicians move on to high paying lobbyist or Talking Head jobs, even when their Congressional records demonstrated nothing but hate, bigotry, and ill will toward the public. I have also learned exactly how flawed and useless the Constitution can be made if the Executive Branch is permitted to ignore its boundaries by the Legislative Branch fearful of maintaining their jobs, and how the Judiciary Branch is nothing more than an extension of poor politics and personal biases.
Freedom seems to be dying a horrible and painful death, and worst of all, those of us, who breathe equality, freedom, justice are, with each inhaling of our breath, suffocating from the poison and decay our Royal Branch of society, the Congress is permitting to permeate throughout this nation!