As I stood at the “chalkboard”, left hand placed tightly against it, as Mr. Valente, my Geometry Teacher,( GEOMETRY-the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.) was
harassing and intimidating me , actually trying his hardest to humiliate me as I was on his list of the stupidest of students in his class, hoping I would either cry out of desperation, or leave what called the “sweatiest handprint on the chalkboard;” aside from loathing and wishing the ceiling would fall upon this man, I still wondered why, this guy, who drove Greyhound Buses in the summer, EVER, EVER, became a teacher, and why no one EVER, EVER stopped him from his masochistic machinations. Of course, even today, many of the Geometry students who understood the wondrous world of math, brag about how brilliant a teacher Mr. Valente was, but even when I hear someone say solve the Proof, I pee a little in my pants. For whom was Mr. Valente performing his vile and at times evil profession?
On Thursday, March 14, three Republican Senators had a chance to exonerate themselves and actually play the part of a Senator were within their job description, the Constitution states they participate as a co-equal branch of government, especially handling the finances of governing. Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado, Senator Ben Sassed of Nebraska, and Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina, all voted to not support the illegal declaration of a National Emergency to build the newest Trump Tower, The Trump Southern Wall Tower, and instead, relinquished their duties as guardians of democracy invested in them via their constituents’, to avoid the wrath of the Mob Boss sitting in the White House. It seems all three cowards…oops I mean Senators, fearful of a primary fight within their individual states, decided that having a mind of their own was meaningless, and minding the business of a man so deranged, delusional, abrasive and abusive as Trump, was their only SURE THING, to remain in office for 2020!
As I learned about, these cowards, and the hundreds of other Republicans who fear the wrath of people proud to call themselves, Racists, White Supremacists, Bigots and Good Nazi’s, known as their BASE, my mind wandered back to Mr. Valente, and I conjured up the idea of the dreaded act of solving a PROOF, and me standing at that “chalkboard.” So I said out loud to no one but my dog Chance as the images of a smirking, sinister tall thin, chain-smoking man, named Valente stood next to me…Senators Gardner, Sasse, Tillis…if you can’t do your job, can’t think for yourselves, can’t provide an honest attempt at being a human, but rather suffer the consequences of doing damage, and destruction to your citizens, why remain in office…is the imagined image of you having power, when in fact you have none actually a thing… Is it the idea that you can intimidate others, so you won’t feel intimidation…? For the GOP politicians who vote against the interests of the majority of their constituents, to just please a minority of haters, what kind of sick pleasure do you receive? For teachers who think that bullying and berating their students is a perfect lesson plan, why teach…