Here we go again as if the Dems have never ever learned a lesson from the “double speak” misinformation machine known as Republican Hypocrisy, the Dems find themselves playing defense regarding two scary words…SOCIALISM, and ANTI-SEMITISM! Suddenly, SOCIALISM is a nasty word…no longer Communism as in North Korea/or Russia, but SOCIALISM as in the Government is going to take away all of your personal rights and leave this country destitute and desperate for freedom and equality. Currently, the government, under a supposed order of Capitalism, is trying its hardest to deny women any choice or freedom over their reproductive parts of their body…this Capitalistic government is trying its damnedest to restrict who can marry whom, who does not deserve equal treatment in employment and even who has no rights to demand to receive service from retailers to civil servants, and of course, who can be a fit parent to either foster or adopt children. With our Market based Capitalistic Government, we also are granted the ability to be told if you don’t have enough money you do not deserve affordable health care, and decent living wages. And our Capitalistic government has invented two terms, one “trickle-down economics, a ruse to continue the wealthy from paying their fair share of taxes as well as Corporations from paying almost nothing at all in taxes…and speaking of Corporations, anointing them as People, with the same rights and privileges as human beings! Social Security and Medicare have also become evil SOCIALISTIC terms because true capitalism will punish you for getting old or getting ill. If you hadn’t saved and been a good American all through your life, then you certainly are nothing but a burden to society expecting this government to reward your sheer laziness…Yup SOCIALISM, is the villain…
The people of American had the audacity to elect another Muslim to Congress, and she has spoken about her feelings regarding Israel and indirectly the Jewish population of the world. I am a Jewish man and felt offended, but I listened to her speech over and over, and heard her apology and realized that she represents a community which may embrace her philosophy (one which I wholeheartedly disagree with) and I have watched the Dems attempt to review in entirety their whole outlook on any kind of hatred and bigotry. And at the same time, I listened as Steve King and a myriad of Tea Party “The South Will Rise Again” Republicans tweet and comment on how White Supremacy the KKK, and White Nationalism is the true value of America. I watch as the Jewish son-in-law Prince Jared cozies up to Mohammed bin Salman, and how Sheldon Adelson continues to support Trump, who has never apologized for his “Good Nazi” quote. I read posts regarding FOX News and their belief that Nationalism was somehow written into the Constitution…And watch the parade of Trump advisors with personal connections to stated anti-semitic hate groups! And then there are the Mike and Mother pence’s who know once all the Jews move to Israel the Rapture will arrive and those pesky Jews will be rid of. And oh yeah, Sarah my father paid the devil for my job) HUCKABEE Sanders, denounced the Dems as Jew-hating (her Evangelical upbringing is all about hate for the Jews) and then threw in her own SOCIALISTIC Theocratic bull shit saying that the Dems who hate Jews are also ripping alive babies from their mothers and murdering them.
Hey Dems, take the “kick me, I am stupid signs off your back! Go on the offense…explain the infiltration of the KKK, White Nationalists, and the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy have within the GOP. Explain that SOCIALISM simply means a reduction the income inequality, and how affordable health care, retirement, and a living wage benefit all. Then demonstrate how the so-called Tax Cuts, have only and will only afford the wealthy even more perks in this nation. Stop playing Offence Dems, it is too offensive!