There was no way he was a Christian with a first name like Barack, that sounded too much like Omar or Muhammad. There was no way he was a Christian, why he had decedents from Kenya, not Great Britain or France, or the Mayflower. There was certainly no way he was a Christian because he was a Negro, and in actuality when they became chattel for the White man, is when they were forced to embrace Christianity, certainly, there were still deep dark roots of some kind of Tribal Animal Worship in his DNA. And the most obvious reason he was not a Christian was his inability to understand punishment, abandonment, exclusion, and denial of equality, to be a good Christian, especially an Evangelical Christian, you had to interpret Jesus as a real son of a bitch who believes that everyone is a sinner, and few people can ever be anything but THAT sinner.
There is no way he will become president because as a homosexual he is a sinner. Not the same kind of sinner as an adulterer, a money launderer, a psychopathic liar, a racist. Jesus had special rules made for the HOMOSEXUAL, different than anyone else, so there is no way Mayor Pete Buttigieg should consider running for president, let alone be permitted to be president. There is no way Mayor Pete Buttigieg, is a Christian, why he has the audacity to criticize REAL Christians like Mike Pence and his wife Karen, calling out their hypocrisy. And not only that, Mayor Pete Buttigieg has called out Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity and both of those Christian Idols have a one-way email to Jesus himself! And of course, every good Evangelical Christian understands, not everyone is equal or deserving of the same freedoms. You gotta pay to pray, you gotta hate to pray, and you gotta at least identify an enemy or two to enter the Pearlie Gates!
This is not your fathers’ America anymore, this IS the Theocracy of States, it’s kind of like Sharia Law, without the prophet Muhammad, more like the Christian Law of the New Testament, but the Evangelical Testament (the one preferred by Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr. and of course Pat Robertson). It’s more of an Iran or Saudi Arabia kind of country, but with the Christians in charge. It's more of an ISIS situation, but minus any desert attire, instead MAGA hats, Nazi and Confederate paraphernalia. Barack Hussain Obama was the Devil playing a trick on the USA, that why we got Trump. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is another ploy by the Devil, and you know the pronounced Christian in Training, the newly minted Savior Trump, will, of course, bring back any Christianity that had been misused or gone missing!