And as the parade of promising presidential possibilities, promote themselves, providing some insights as to what they might offer, if elected, the real world in which this nation finds itself, thriving on the thin wires of Trump and the Republican’s non-stop revelation to ruin our Republic, masses of red hats, replacing white robes and red armbands, continue to shout “Lock SOMEONE Up,” of course that someone NEVER ever the real criminal Trump! Pretending that MSNBC or CNN or for that matter the mainstream of news outlets is going to really challenge, in-depth, their promises (many a pipe dream for the current crop of citizens just fighting to exist each day), very few of the Dems (now known by the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy or the Neo Nazi’s) as Democrat Socialists, traverse to the real towns and neighborhoods suffering the vacant promises of Trump (those usually all white), or to the let’s all look the other places in this nation where (mostly the people of color live), who are usually talked at and never to, and no matter the case, seem to never have a ladder with more than one rung attached to it.
I have read a variety of Factual News (such a shame we live in a decade where one must first attach the adjective fake or fact in front of the word news), where communities whose collective vote, favored Trump and his LSD lies, and who still attend rally’s for a mad man telling them (as they wait for food stamps/have inadequate health care/or no health care because its either food, or clothes or heat) how TERRIFIC/BEAUTIFUL/TREMENDOUS their life has become because of Trump’s policies. (I read the book Stone Soup, during my Kiddie Lit course when I thought to teach was my destiny…at least in that story, a vagrant, a man with nothing convinced he could provide soup for the community, all he had was a cauldron and a stone, but bit by bit neighbor by neighbor, everyone believed that working together adding just one item, there might actually be some soup…and as a group of socialist’s acting together the Con Man, delivered on his promise and realized, it does take a community, not one person!
But I digress…I receive at least three dozen emails from then DNC and almost every Democrat candidate running to just give them $5 more dollars and damn they will kick ass! Bull shit! Hey Dems, here is an idea, for free, but instead of me, “just $5 to make magic”, try this…find those communities of white poverty, the places where Hitler might have gone to find sanctuary or the hinterlands where folk believe the South will Rise Again, or that inbred marriages make being white supreme. All of you brave souls, you know the sprinkling of women, women of color, men, men of color, and even the homosexual, play the Trump game, ALL of you have a Town Hall meeting. Provide real evidence of the decline in the lives of those living there by inviting real neighbors not to bitch about politics, but to explain their difficulties just existing. Imagine what happens when your message touches just one person, and you are no longer that boggy man FOX News promised, but one real American talking to another American. Get rid of pomp and circumstance, the fake promises, just listen and provide the audience with stories not made up by George Soros, but truth told by the local citizens! Then try ALL of that and wander into the communities made up of people of color. Don’t rely on the past, but see where their present has taken them and discuss their future, not just as people of color, but as Americans!