I am an American! As Trump complained once again to the Media, which never ever offers him any kind of honest rebuttal, regarding “that this country has some of the worst laws of any country.” (Any law he breaks or has broken has to be the worst law, and the list we know about could take a few days’ worths of reading, let alone the ones still hidden from daylight.) Every time Trump tries and diminish the laws of the land or the agencies created to keep our nation from living in the Wild West and meeting in the courthouse at High Noon, every time he packs his Cult with more White Nationalist/Supremacists/Roy Cohn’s/”The South Will Rise Again” Confederates/and Militia Minions who think that this wealthy asshole and his Republican Oligarchs give a shit…each time, each moment, each day Trump is permitted to demolish and detonate anti-Democracy land mines, the closer we become, first the Banana Republic, second, a theocratic plutocracy, and third North Korea, where our current LEADER thinks his son Donnie Jr will take over. Hyperbole, huh, hysteria, huh, get your head out of your asses, stop counting your money to make sure you 10 times more than anyone else, and remember when it comes to a dictator, even the most adoring fans, become an enemy!
Having ranted about Trump and the lack of Law, I also have the following to say as a Democrat! I could give a shit if Warren is trying to our socialism Bernie…give a shit if Bernie refuses to admit he IS a millionaire…could care less that Kamala despises the Death Penalty even though a California family of a slain policeman is making an issue…I could give one fuck if Joe Biden is a relic of the time when men were men, and women objects, even though Joe is trying to change…I could give three fucks about Kristen Gillibrand and her trying too hard to not see that The Me too Movement, might want to give people like Al Franken a trial before calling him guilty…I don’t care if Mayor Pete is Gay and the Pence’s/Ingraham’s/ Falwell’s of this world fear homosexuals…I don’t care that the same Evangelical Pay to Pray wonder why Cory Booker is single…I don’t give any damn concern about any of that or that Beto lost a Senate race, or Juaquin’s last name is Castro, that Eric Swalwell understands the law but just seems too young to even tie his shoes…and as, for anyone else, I have run out of room who has declared their run for President from the Democrat Party…I could GIVE A SHIT!
As a human, a man who has the next generation of family and friends. As a person nurtured on what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, what I CARE ABOUT is not the world in November 2020, but the world in which I am now living April 2019. Hey Dem candidates, and current Dems in office, even you Chuck Schumer, find your balls, your backbone, your vaginas, your conscience, your guts and FIGHT as ONE unit against the tyranny and fascism from which Trump and his Enabling Republican traitors are fighting hard. And if there really are any Independent voters alive get a better life, it does have a thing to do with Trump. And for the fickle and fucked up Dem/Progressive/Liberal/Socialist voters, this time if you continue to eat your own…you will on the menu in 2020. All I ask for is we the people remain opposed to the Criminal Mob Boss sitting in the White House and his Mob goons and henchmen out to kill this nation and the democracy it espouses! We need ONE VOICE!