So, and I am sincere in saying the word SO…SO, if a man has behaved in a criminal activity, participated in money laundering, has bribed and blackmailed many people, has paid little to no taxes, refuses to pay the contracted fees to the people he hired to do work for him…if a man has conspired with foreign governments…and that MAN has the title of President…again I use the word SO, in a non-sarcastic, but urging a real answer, SO what makes him any different than any average American, and why shouldn’t that man face the judicial consequences for breaking all kinds of laws, most other people would already be wearing… the orange jumpsuits which say, prisoner?
I, to this moment in my life, do not understand, why, if the truth of the matter, for the Founding Father’s was to revolt against the ROYALTY, using the ideal no taxation without representation…suggesting that in this newly formed nation called America, there be no distinction between the politicians and the citizens, we treat the Office of President, as if he or hopefully one day she, or a Jew, or a Muslim, or a Homosexual, was a King or Queen? How come the people running for the highest office are not, let alone by conscience, but by LAW required to provide this nation IN GREAT DETAIL, all and any financial information from taxes, to businesses, to corporate donors…But somehow, asking for that information is intrusion or harassment? Huh!...No seriously HUH!!!!
The people who establish my tax code, the quality of air I breathe, the cost of my health insurance…who determine the conditions by which I can seek employment, purchase goods…the people who have the power to destroy this planet with one special nuclear code…how come I as an American citizen, still living in some form of democracy, am not BY LAW privy to their financial obligations, and how they pay their taxes, if they pay their taxes, as well as finding the REAL facts regarding both the mental and physical condition of their mind and body… BOTH, which can MAKE a HUGE impact on MY MIND AND BODY!
What the fuck…seriously WHAT THE FUCK, or is it WHY THE FUCK, is it such a hard decision to begin Impeachment hearings on Trump if he refuses to provide the answers to his relationship with the Russians, his business transactions with foreign governments, like the Saudi’s, the Chinese, and of course the Russians… The House of Representatives were provided the responsibility to study the scenario, discovering If laws are broken. Even if Trump could give one Orange shit, the House should make every effort to have Trump respond (it does not matter under oath or not because he is a pathological liar), by providing the citizens of this nation just the real facts, and he WILL NOT…then no matter what the political consequences may be in the eyes of the Democrat Party…are you not also enablers, permitting crimes to be committed and doing absolutely nothing about them. Begin using scary words like Impeachment, the Republicans love to throw those words around, so use the same jargon and same game plan as the GOP. This tip-toeing around Justice, the Law, the Constitutional duty because somehow politics may get scary…WHAT, SO, HUH, WTF!