“And it's hard to love, there's so much to hate Hanging on to hope When there is no hope to speak of And the wounded skies above say it's much, much too late Well, maybe we should all be praying for time.” And the Saudi’s begat, Jared Kushner, who begat, a sleek billionaire dollar loan. The Saudi’s begat a want to be King, named Trump, who beleaguered the Obama legacy and thus begat Iran to begone and thus there was no more Treaty to regulate the use of uranium and its terrible consequences. Netanyahu begat, Jared Kushner and the Evangelical American Christian Taliban, to behold an embassy in Jerusalem which begged the question of who belonged to whom, and whose pocket was being picked. The Saudi’s said begone and a critic was beheaded, but bucks were there to be made by the boy wonder, Jared! Some wondered if murdering Khashoggi, would beg the question of no more begat’s, but money talks, and the words spoken simply said, we buy, we own, you belong to us now! And here we have a drone, knocking out half of the Saudi supply of oil, and the good possibility, of another major war in the Middle East…all the while Trump tried to begat the Taliban (no not the Jerry Falwell Jr, or Franklin Graham Klan), the men and women who have continued to murder maim, to begin again, and all he received, in the end, was bull shit and Bolton’s not so simple exit!
“It's hard to love, there's so much to hate Hanging on to hope when there is no hope to speak of And the wounded skies above say it's much too late So maybe we should all be praying for time.” More evidence that Brett (the Dude) Kavanaugh, actually played penis games with lots of pretty girls. But it's pretty far gone that he will ever pay the price for practicing not what he preaches. But it seems , men like Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas will both become the moral compass and decide if being an LGBTQ Americans means less than shit, or if they could give a shit about equality, freedom and that old sticking point of the divide between church and state, which the Founding Fathers wanted to stick with, as they placed it in the Constitution. More allegations, arise, arose and are and were ignored. Calls for Kavanaugh’s Impeachment, well because the one of the Supremes’ number one hit, his sworn testimony was a LIE. So a Liar-in-Chief appoints a Liar-of Supreme courtliness, is backed by a Liar who is the Majority Leader, supported by the highest crime fighter, the Liar-of Attorney General, praised by religious Liars, who let Jesus take the fall. And We The People are left to depend on health, welfare, happiness, and hope, by Lying Liars, who love to Lie, to protect no other person but themselves!
“This is the year of the hungry man Whose place is in the past Hand in hand with ignorance And legitimate excuses. These are the days of the open hand They will not be the last Look around now These are the days of the beggars and the choosers” A war on the Immigrant, a war on the Women, a war on the Farmer/Laborer. A war on the LGBTQ, a war on the victims of Gun Violence who already lost that war, but there is always room for more. A war on the poor, a war on the truth. A war against democracy, and NOW perhaps one more Middle East War, because lots of “chicken hawks,” only feel like their balls and are busting when they think they can bust everyone else’s balls. All of the lyrics in quotes are from the song “Praying for Time”/George Michael. Ya gotta wonder, is there any time left to pray?