A bit of history about WHY! There is the YMCA and because of its original purpose as a place for all Christians to find a commonplace to be educated find recreation, and discover a sense of community, the YMWHA developed as an alternative for the Jewish community to find a sense of empowerment and a place to express the American dreams of a Jewish Community. Educators limited the number of Jews based on beliefs that they were too bookish, aggressive and greedy. Religious affiliation was deduced by studying students’ names, interviewing them and asking them directly on medical school applications. In response to this limitation and quota system, Jewish hospitals became a sanctuary for those wanting to practice medicine. Why, was this even a thing?
So I ask even more questions of WHY as we finish the year 2019. Why has GLAAD and the HRC been silent as the Log Cabin Republicans continue to support and favor Trump/Pence, two men who have placed the freedoms and equality of the LGBTQ community in jeopardy? Why is there no continuous outrage against the Republican Log Cabin leadership, is it perhaps too many wealthy donors to GLAAD and HRC happen to be Log Cabin Republicans? Why have the members of AIPAC (The American, Israel Political Action Committee, remained so silent as the Republican Party finds no difference between “good Nazi’s and bad Nazi’s? Why has AIPAC not spoken out against people like Laura Ingraham, Stephen Miller, Sheldon Adelson, for supporting the politics of Trump/Pence? Why haven’t the Congregants who belong to the Temples and Synagogues that the Kirshner and the Bernie Marcus families attend been loud and angry that both families support Trump/Pence, and where are the Rabbis of all shuls, outrage that Jews are as anti-sematic as non-Jews, is it because their donor base also pretends that wealth can protect you from bigotry?
Why is it easier for most Americans to confront Colin Kaepernick and other athletes for taking a knee when the American flag is flown and the National Anthem is sung but refuse to be as loud in their protest when so assumed Americans are waving the flags of two nations once at war with the United State, The Confederation of the Southern States and Nazi Germany. Why is it okay to wave banners, raise flags of two nations which declared war on the United States, but the right to protest, a provided in our Constitution deemed anti-American. Why did the United States government permit the South to erect monuments and buildings to the Confederate leadership, the men and women whose desire was to banish equality and freedom for many demographics living in the North? Why is it that the Liberty University students must adhere to strict standards of supposed “Christian conduct and morals,” when its CEO Jerry Falwell Jr, and his son Trey have been partying, boozing and having sexual conduct with the opposite sex or same-sex men and women? Why is it that the Board of Liberty University not demand answers and resignation from the Falwell families, are they too enjoying the excesses that only can buy?
Why has the Christian community permitted the high jacking of Jesus Christ by a group of Evangelical American Taliban leadership, and remained silent as the rights of immigrants, Jews, the LGBTQ community, people of color and women been drained and destroyed? Are they a silent enabler wanting the same, but afraid to act out as their Christian Crusader and Christian Inquisitions? Why, didn’t the staff of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration speak out immediately as Trump used his magic marker pretending that Hurricane Dorian was headed toward Alabama? Why did they wait, were they afraid of losing their jobs, while the people in the Gulf Coast of America sweated and worried a real disaster might be headed their way? And WHY doesn’t anyone who stands in front of Trump as he dumps lie upon lie, upon the American public stand up and call him a liar, A LIAR, a psychopathic LIAR…WHY????