Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Delta Dawn

 “Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on

Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did I hear you say he was a-meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky?” (Delta Dawn/Alex Harvey-Larry Collins)


As I read the Groundhog Day News, for today (As in the movie Groundhog Day, which is a repetitive, cycle of life’s trials and tribulations), and ONCE again how the threats which COVID continue to hold in its vice-like grip upon this nation and world…the song Delta Dawn began playing in the obsessive section of my brain! The Delta Variant, (WHO has changed the names to protect the nations from Trumpism-backlash), has and IS, now reminding us, Nature is a WINNER, as we continue to lose lives to a VIRUS. The faded rose of days gone by maybe in the form of masks, and isolation, and quarantine, but just as the lyrics of the sung suggest, HE may come back, and sadly drag too many millions to some mansion or shanty in the sky! We are all delighted to be free, BUT honestly does, and will THIS moment of FREEDOM come with an awful price?


BUT then as I obsessed about the lyrics of Delta Dawn (singing them over and over again in the NICKELODEON part of my cranium) my mind wandered to those who HAVE DECIDED that somehow death, dying and doom, are just a day in the life of someone else and CERTAINLY NOT THEM. I mean to suffer from CONSPIRACY, is JUST ENOUGH disease a simpleton can handle! But then I thought, “WHAT THE FUCK,” are the VACCINE DENIERS just the same mindset and evil intended as SUICIDE BOMBERS…YEAH, SUICIDE BOMBERS, strapped with enough evil to murder a few hundred or thousand. And who think, somehow THEIR cause, THEIR selfishness, THEIR corrupt intentions will bring GOOD. Think about it…you are UNVACCINATED…your friend and family who have kids are NOT VACCINATED, or friends and family who have precarious immune systems, or your other BUDS, who are as stupid as you…DELTA VARIANT will strap itself to YOU, and WHAM BAM…NO THANK YOU, MA’AM, death is all around you! 


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

No Sub here

 I was a Lost Boy, in my 1967 Senior Class play of ‘Peter Pan’, I actually auditioned to be Peter, never realizing that in real life or the life of those who EVER produced or directed Peter Pan, Peter was perhaps the first transgendered children’s literature character. Thank goodness I was not good enough to even be considered for that part, as the female student who played the part, was phenomenal and now whenever I reminisce about my Senior Class Play, I think of her and how amazing of a job she had done. Our Drama Teacher, Mrs. Musoff, was one of those rare people in education, who actually liked her students, cared about her profession and encouraged anyone with whom she came in contact, to be the very best they could, even if they had no idea how good they might become. She knew I loved to dance, (one of the few boys in her senior class that was not afraid to say he could dance), and I became the choreographer for the show. Mrs. Musoff directed and produced our Senior Class Play and I choreographed the show. I mention all of this, because, on this hot humid day in North Truro, after handing the gardening and household chores, Joe and I sat on the couch and wham bam thank you CNN, there was a special about the years 1966-1967. Two years, I might add, within my 71 years of leaving a carbon imprint on the Earth, which, TO THIS DAY RESONATE WITH RESOUNDING RHYTHMS, for me!


The CNN Special was in regard to the so-called ‘SUB CULTURE’ that musicians during the late ’60s created and morphed into existence. My most favorite of groups were highlighted from Jefferson Airplane, the Mama’s and Papa’s, The Grateful Dead and Crosby/Stills/Nash and Young just to mention a few, and as I watched the SUB CULTURISTS, dance and groove (YES, GROOVE… albeit I have never ben groovy or actually knew how to groove…) and listened to the narration continue to suggest, that SOMEHOW, all of this SUBCULTURE was nurtured as if not a natural part of evolution, a nagging sense of “WHAT THE FUCK,” began to place a grip on the temple area of my head, and a pit began to develop somewhere where my esophagus was situated (Do we really know where our esophagus begins and ends). And I shouted out loud, to Joe and our dog Chance, “NO, we were not a SUBCULTURE, IT WAS OUR CULTURE, AND NOT SOMETHING LESS THAN ANYONE ELSES!” Chance looked at me as if I had just asked him if we wanted to go outside and pee, and Joe said, “No politics now, honey, just enjoy yourself.”  


The CNN Special continued, and somehow Ronnie and Nancy Reagan, (The people who would let anyone die, if they seemed to get in their way of becoming rich and relevant) were now being discussed, and I became disgusted. And here I am writing my BLOG. The point BEING, after all of this lead-in…IS…that in 2021, all we supposedly hear about is something ASSNINE, and UNAUTHENTIC as COUNTER CULTURE. WTF, I have thought, and NOW must share, C-O-U-N-T-E-R C-U-L-T-U-R-E, counter to what and WHOM: INSURRECTIONSIST/RACISTS/CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS/FASCISTS/GOOD NAZI’S/DOMESTIC TERRORISTS/MAGA MANIACS? Like, in the years of 1966 to 1967, EXACTLY upon what common denominator do we consider something SUB or COUNTER…AND exactly whose standard are we basing ALL or ANY of THIS ON?

Monday, June 28, 2021

how bad is it!

 Gov. Greg Abbott has signed into law a bill that bans homeless encampments on public property in Texas. The bill makes it illegal to set up shelter or store belongings for an extended period of time. The offense is a class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $500. The bill also makes it illegal for cities to adopt policies that effectively legalize public encampments, as Austin did in 2019. (Texas MBA) 

Add another group of folks who no longer are considered anything but garbage in the Nation-State of Texas. Why this should matter…well, for starters, people are POOR/people are HOMELESS/people need ASSISTANCE/ people are living in an environment conducive to weeds on a well-manicured lawn, in which the owner has no patience and desires more toxic weed killer to make his home PRETTIER! SOME PEOPLE, in the WE ARE GOOD CHRISTIANS FIRST, TEXANS SECOND, AND MAYBE AMERICANS THIRD, will never quite recover from yet another hardship, they will find cracks in the cement wilt, try to live another day, become embittered, and soon just be like the dinge and dust on a street corner or the tumbleweed of Texas, and with the next breeze be scattered somewhere else. 

And speaking of screwing those in order to make yourself look BETTER (self-loathing is a trait stemming from a lack of nurturing, I believe) Donnie Trump is now feeling testy about his Daughters husband and seems ready to have a few Good Nazi’s (I presume this) replace Jared’s official unofficial portfolio. Ah, in the midst of calamity, self-induced disaster, a good scapegoat is the NECESSARY tool for the of the TOOLS who need a reason why you FUCKED UP…to establish a real villain.  Trumpie-Dumpie has been hinting that SOMEHOW, due to Mrs. Ivanka Trump’s insisting that her hubby be involved, the involvement has been one of the MAIN REASONS, the INSURRECTION was tried and not as successful a COUP as desired. One might say blame the Jew…I meant Adolph H. did so and look what he achieved by doing so! Oh, Jared, just like those HOMELESS FOLKS in Texas, I might say you are in for a bumpy future…and SOMEHOW, Jared, I am certain a whole lot of other JEWS will feel the brunt of your bull shit!



Sunday, June 27, 2021


 “The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is waiting.”- Fran Lebowitz

“Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful...”- José N. Harris, 


“Don’t wait to be hunted to hide, that was always my motto.” ― Samuel Beckett


I waited, actually DECIDED that I must watch the world from a better vantage point, than the front row seat of sitting at my computer writing my BLOG. I woke up this morning, read the news, (I no longer permit myself to watch the news, because somehow too many senses are intruded upon when I do that), hemmed and hawed, threw in a few what the fucks, added one or two an obligatory “OF COURSES, threw in the usual, “When will he or she go to jail,” and THE, “If I hear one more warning that this time the law will take effect or affect Trump and his Klan.” I had chores to do, I had gardening to tend to, I had breezes to let brush past me, time for a few quiet moments with Joe took our dog Chance for a walk…WHATEVER, I might comment on, complain about, considerations and concerns could wait, and why not WAIT for the day to grab on its pajamas, find its comfortable clothes, dance with the twilight, and drink in the satin sheen of the stars and the moon.


I waited, not with bated breath, BUT with the hope that something might careen into THIS AMERICAN LIFE, SOMETHING that would or could or should stop the TYRANNY, TORMENT, TORTURE, TERRORISM, TEMPTATION, HATE AND HORROR that has been permitted to permeate and peel away the decency that DEMOCRACY may have once promised. Alas alack (I love that term; it sounds so melodramatic) to NO AVAIL, the same old same old, same THINGS ran rampant as if I had JUST sat down and written my BLOG earlier in the day. But I did realize, I WILL NOT BE SILENT AS I WAIT BECAUSE SILENCE EQUALS DEATH!





Saturday, June 26, 2021


 The Big Bang hasn’t actually been disproven, it’s important to note. But if the new line of thinking is correct, then any sudden and rapid expansion marking the beginning of the universe would have more likely occurred during a time period rather than an infinitely short moment.

“As in, the universe may not have had a beginning moment, and we may live in what is called an eternally inflating universe,” she continued, “one that was expanding exponentially even before what we call the big bang. Mathematically, this seems the most likely scenario — assuming inflation is correct.” (Futurism Magazine)


WHAT!!! HUH!!! SAY THAT AGAIN!!! Have you ever tried to think about certain subjects which pique your interest, yet the more you consider the topic, the more frustrating your discovery becomes, and THAN the more you try to understand, there is, even MORE, you cannot figure out! For me, it has always been the question about the UNIVERSE…as in, OKAY, if it was the BIG BANG, what came before that, OR, if the universe has boundaries, what is beyond that…AND, what exactly is ETERNITY!!! For me it has ALWAYS been the BIG QUESTIONS, you know LIFE AFTER DEATH/HEAVEN OR HELL/GOD, NO GOD/IF THE CHICKEN CAME BEFORE THE EGG, WHO LAID THE EGG IN THE FIRST PLACE… I finally have come to peace knowing I will never discover ALL the answers, so I PERSEVERATE about those questions less and less.


BUT now my mind has found a new trap to trick me into thinking and thinking and thinking, trying to solve a less UNIVERSAL QUESTION, but one, at least in my mind, I consider as cautionary a concern…how and when and why has this nation become a tinder box for either another CIVIL WAR or REVOLUTIONARY WAR? How and why and when did one political party DE-EVOLVE into the ENEMY OF THE STATE? How and why and when did DUMB AND DUMBER, HATE AND MORE HATEFUL, SCUM AND SCUMMIER, take a chokehold on enough people in this nation to cause the rest of us to begin to SUFFOCATE?  Yep, solving the mysteries of the UNIVERSE seems like amateur hour, INDEED!

Friday, June 25, 2021


 CRITICAL RACE THEORY: emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals. It also views race as a socially constructed identity that serves to oppress non-white people.


I had no idea, CRT, was even a theory, as I grew up in America for the past seven decades. All I knew in the ’50s was that you always drew in between the lines to maintain white from seeping into black, (because gray was bad), people in white cowboy hats were good, those wearing black cowboy hats were bad, the Civil War freed all Colored People (back then the phrase was reversed from People of Color) and that neighborhoods needed to remain segregated because it was better for city life. Social Studies insisted that Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue brought religion and culture to North America, the Pilgrims were the good guys providing decent clothing and manners to THE INDIANS, and those heathens of North America needed to be tamed. In the 60’s we learned that those pesky Negro’s wanted to be called Blacks, schools would no longer be safe for white kids, because of bussing and integration, The Confederacy was not all bad, because it had its roots in Christianity, and if only the newly identified BLACKS would act more like WHITES, there would be fewer problems for them. In the ’70s REVOLUTION was a dangerous thing, and REVOLUTION was inspired by angry pockets of the population who just wanted more and more given to them and THEY never wanted to earn it, as did most Middle-Class White Americans. In the ’80s and ’90s, GREED was the God, and GREED, was a necessary tact for CAPITALISM to thrive, and having CAPITALISM thrive meant the GOVERNMENT had to stop catering to the lazy folk who were nothing but WELFARE QUEENS AND KINGS, usually not WHITE. From the 2000s until the 20-teens, I witnessed that HATE/BIGORY/RELIGIOUS BOGUS/and the once enshrined AMERICA AS A MELTING POT, was ancient propaganda, and just cover for old RIVALRIES AND RESENTMENT.


WHO KNEW, damn it…WHO KNEW, that wounds never truly healed would fester and fester until they once again they became infected with doom dread, and danger. WE ALL KNEW…EXCEPT like smoking tobacco…or polluting the air…or pretending there was ACTUALLY a divide between CHURCH AND STATE or maintaining Confederate Shrines… WE were lulled into disarray and a damning future, which suddenly collapsed into our PRESENT STATE OF AFFAIRS. I had no idea what CRITICAL RACE THEORY was, but DAMN I do NOW, and I will EMBRACE its LESSONS, and I WANT TO LEARN MORE!

Thursday, June 24, 2021




Dear Unvaccinated Idiots, who somehow feel that your choices, selections forays, phobia, foolishness, farcical meanderings, paranoia, and ad nauseum bull shit from, Implanting Chips, to Aliens, to the Chinese Flu, to a Progressive Plot and a George Soros Virus Attack, are the reason YOU hate your own life, hate the lives of YOUR older parents, your young kids, and basically anyone in this nation with an immune system already wreaking havoc; because YOU are no more than a STUPID AS SHIT LEMMING WHO DRANK THE TRUMP KOOL-ADE! Let’s go back in history shall we, because MOST LIKELY it was members of YOUR Family, and perhaps YOU who were all PISSED OFF that the HOMOSEXUALS would spread AIDS. Remember when YOU and YOUR CHURCH wanted to have them quarantined, even wear some kind of SCARLET LETTER to identify that they might be contagious…WELL, I have had it with YOUR inability to live in reality, and I suggest that maybe WE take a page from YOUR Playbook, and DEMAND that if you cannot comply with health and welfare standards for the GREATER GOOD, WE provide you with a Scarlet Letter and have YOU quarantined. WE all know, that COVID is not gone for good, BUT for goodness sakes, LET US PREVENT YOU FROM killing more people, by your SHEER STUPIDITY! 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 The Doomsday Clock is a symbol that represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe. Maintained since 1947 by the members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the clock is a metaphor for threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technical advances……… Tick Toc…Toc Tick….Tick…Tick..Tick.


IT was once referred to as VOTER RIGHTS, instead, IT has become VOTER SUPPRESSION. IT was once the PRIDE of American Democracy, (albeit IT was never a safe bet, but more of a lucky break) and now IT is a PIECE OF THE BIG LIE! The Republican Party (I truly believe the name no longer matters, because the intent is to destroy the Democratic Experience) is full of Anarchists, whose personal piece of the pie IS only to propagate their individual political power. Pretending that somehow, conveying false concerns, and the ranting of a pariah (Trump) has merit; these GOP gangsters have robbed the American people of any chance to thrive, remain alive, and be free and prosper. Their Mafioso style of theft and con-artistry, slapping any law they don’t like in the face, and their disgust for the average American citizen to express his or her choice in ‘Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution…’ has no priority against the 1% Donor Class of Terrorists wants and will!


The Doomsday Clock was originated as a caution to end of this planet as inhabitable, BUT I hear that same clock ticking wildly, as McConnell and his Matchstick Men bring ALL OF US CLOSER TO THE DEMISE OF DEMOCRACY!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

an amen to hate

 Yesterday, a Christian hate-preacher (John Shelley) from Texas celebrated a gay man's death at a Pride parade. Christian Pastor Celebrates Death At Wilton Manors Pride: “I’d Love It If Every Fag Would Die Right Now” "It's great when trucks accidentally go through those... parades... We can hope for more in the future... I think it's great! I hope they all die!" (Joe My God)


For any ONE, for ANY PERSON to listen to this THUG, this MONSTER, this BACKWARDS SLIDE OF EVOLUTION, and praise their GOD, no matter their religion in the same inhale and exhale of oxygen, insisting that murder is justified…IS IN FACT, as EVIL as the those accused of somehow being their GOD’S ENEMY! I may insist that this male is an emasculated, insecure, self-loathing animal, catering to minions of millions conned into thinking there is a HELL awaiting them unless they can HATE LOUD AND PROUD… and in writing my criticism feel fine for about the 10 minutes it took to express my feelings…BUT that is not good enough in stopping vermin like PASTOR JOHN SHELLEY from propagating prejudice and fear.


Here we are folks, and no one will be safe from being the NEXT lot of folks to be considered in the way of reaching GOD. Plain and simply put any injustice is seemingly fine and dandy if some douchebag pretends, he or she understands THEIR Bible and EXACTLY what THEIR God intended. If only my shouting of “FUCK YOU ASSHOLE” would be strong enough to have this man evaporate into the void of the universe! 




Truth Not Told

 “When the truth is found to be lies

And all the joy within you dies
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love” (Don’t You Want Somebody To Love/Darby Slick)


It used to be, well maybe not EXACTLY any longer, as we have discovered recently, regarding American History, that FACTS are a matter in which we understand TRUTH should reside. The TRUTH is still THERE, but according to many who prefer to sugarcoat it, or downright overlook it, OR NEED to disregard it to save their own asses…TRUTH…is no longer relevant, with IRRELEVANT AND IRRESPSONISBLE INDIVIDUALS. And not only THAT…to lie, to immediately decide that fiction become a sort of conviction of your own immoral behavior…never having to explain or expound or evaluate what was seen right before our very eyes; IS A NORM from which all seditious machinations originate. IN OTHER WORDS, if, what was done, deserves consequences, but those consequences are more harmful than the actual insidious behavior… WELL then FUCK IT, AND LIE, LIE, AND LIE!


“Your eyes, I say your eyes may look like his
Yeah, but in your head, baby
I'm afraid you don't know where it is
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love” (Don’t You Want Somebody To Love/Darby Slick)


Sadly, it seems, to me, that the fight to bring the truth back to life, is more burdensome than the ability to cause harm, deceit, intimidation, feckless and fringe behaviors. Most Republicans in political power, seem to have little trouble, creating TROUBLE, WHEREAS, many more Dems, act as awkward children trying to stand and walk for the first time. The Republicans shove, push saunter, ALLTHEWHILE the Dems, scream and shout, pout and pander, but produce nothing but noise, but stay in one place…I AM SO CONFUSED AS TO WHY!


Monday, June 21, 2021


 THE HOLIDAY GAY BAR: It sat modestly along Forbes Avenue, next to the National City Bank across from North Craig Street. There were no neon lights, and the front windows were covered in cross-hatched brick. Only a simple sign reading "Holiday Bar" above the front entrance lets people know it's there. "This business goes back to a time when gay bars hid in plain sight," Honse says, sitting with Tierney in the bar's back porch, (owners of the bar since 1977) which has been enclosed since 1984. "They were here -- this was right on a main street -- but you had to know where to find it. There were no flashing lights and no sign hanging out over the sidewalk. That's what you had to do in those days." (Pittsburgh City Paper)


When I finally found the courage to BE MYSELF (I will not use the phrase coming out, because, for me, that meant I was never visible in the first place…FUCK YES, I was me THEN and am me NOW)…the only Gay Bar I knew of, was the HOLIDAY, right fucking smack dab on Forbes Avenue, the main drag from Squirrel Hill (my neighborhood), through Oakland (the college neighborhood where I went to school). Paranoia, insecurity, guilt was all mingled with potential, freedom, discovery as I parked my car three blocks north of the Holiday, thinking that no one would have the foggiest idea I was anticipating a visit inside. I paced for two hours, from the top of Forbes Avenue (The parking lot at Carnegie Tech, now CMU), all the way to the Cathedral of Learning (the main attraction of Pitt) another two blocks south of the Bar. Back and forth, and of course on the other side of the street, just to make certain I seemed like any ORDINARY person walking on Forbes Ave. I counted the cars (hoping to discover some sort of pattern), of course, my head down, and only a side-eye peek at traffic. Finally, with my gut on fire, hands shaking and a shit load of butterflies in my stomach begging to be freed, I jaywalked a block north of the Holiday Bar ran the 20 or so feet to the entrance of the bar, and without any hesitation opened the large red door, and entered. 


The swoosh of the door was like a doorbell and anyone sitting inside turned their head. My heart had been beating so fast, I thought I would faint. Immediately a person looking like Diana Ross (her early days when she was still with the Supremes) and a second person looking like Tina Turner (when she was free of Ike) walked over to me. One on each side of my arm, both wearing platform shoes with wigs at least three feet tall, they cowered over me and said I am Ms. Pettis and then I am Ms. Ferguson: “You look afraid, you look new, you look like you should buy us a drink, and you look like you need a reality check.” All I could muster was an “Uh-Huh.” We drank and they each talking over one another said the following: Here is the facts, sexy man. “You were born Gay, hurrah!” “You did not change once you entered this dingy din of delights.” “Your freedom inside, must compete and win with your own fears on the outside.” “Truth is not told by naysayers, it actually is provided by Mother Nature,” adding “It takes a serious woman to make things work.” If you let the lies of others command your own facts you permit them to let you play the fool. Each kissed me on the cheeks, and in unison said, next time we will teach you how to kiss a man on the lips, and they flittered off to the back of the bar.


It is Pride Month; I need never forget all pieces of my history as a person among other things being born as a homosexual. TRUTH must be able to THRIVE. TRUTH can and does set one FREE. TRUTH used as a con is a LIE. TRUTH hates to be asked to fight for its EXISTENCE, but for TRUTH to EXIST, all of us must fifth for it. We all emerged from our own cocoons, to become the person we are at this moment, but at this moment does mean all of our TRUTHS have been told! 


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Fathers and Father Day

 It was one of those gloomy February afternoons in Pittsburgh, the sky remaining gray and insistently dull, as if time stood still, never knowing if dawn or dusk would be arriving. My father arrived at the Linden School Ballfield, still in his Police Uniform, picked me up at 3:45 pm, a light mix of flurries and freezing rain falling, making the already murky horizon even more miserable, and manic. It was time for his and my, six-week barbershop haircut and we were going to Jerry and Son Barbers, across the street from Sterret School. Albeit the distance between the two schools was maybe 10 minutes by car, driving in the fog of a Pittsburgh Winter, with the intensity of sad skies melding into puddles of melted and frozen over snow on the ground, created a monotony that any mile driven seemed forever, and having no change in the scenery almost implied we were not moving at all. I remember the car radio was on the KDKA AM station, which as a kid always heralded voices of broadcasters, with baritone voices, whose only decibel of sound, sounded as if what they were about to say, would be terrible, so listen closely! On this February 7, 1962, the voice of the broadcaster, was not only in warning mode but in A you better buckle up for a wild and scary ride, MODE! I looked at my father, not quite understanding what I needed to be scared about, but I must have made a very concerning facial expression, and he immediately turned off the radio, placed his right hand on my shoulder, and said, nothing to be worried about.


We arrived at Jerry and Son Barber Shop, rushed out of the car as the wind decided at that moment to become wild and furious, smacking us with its fury and lots of flurries. We darted into the Shop, which was as miserable-looking on the inside as was the weather on the outside. Two barber chairs, in faded dark green vinyl, a collection of Brylcreem, Vitalis and Murray’s Pomade on old wooden and dusty shelves, three chairs most likely from someone’s grandmothers vacated apartment with cushions tattered and torn as if a cat had used them as a playground and a Naugahyde sofa, with two matching cushions and some replacement kind of cushion in the middle, welcomed us, along with six rows of fluorescent lamps, all blinking in a random order causing madness and maybe hysteria. Jerry and his son Jerry Junior greeted us and were friendly and good people. (Supposedly Jerry Junior cut my hair because he knew what young kids liked, but I never had a choice and any haircut I received was a crew cut and seemed the same as my fathers) They then pointed to the 16-inch TV located on a corner wall, and said: “Walter Cronkite, seems worried that this Cuban Blockade will cause World War Three.” I must have gulped loudly upon hearing this bit of news. Suddenly the awful world outside seemed even worse inside, and even though the two radiators were blowing hot steam into the Barber Shop, I felt cold, tired, afraid, and gray inside and out. Were we going to be in this Barber Shop with all its windows as the Atomic Bomb fell!


Walter Cronkite continued to talk and talk and talk during our haircuts. Thank goodness, I guess, our two barbers were also talking so I heard less and less from Walter and more and more from these two men, whose choice of topics ran from World War Three, good pizza, back to nuclear fallout, and more really good Italian food. The haircut FINALLY ended, the flurries were now accumulating, and my father and I returned to the car. My father turned to me in the car, placed both of his hands on my shoulders pulled me closer to him, and said, “Lots of things in this world may seem bad, terrible, in fact, but remember that I am here for you, I will protect you, and anyone or anything that might harm you will have to get through me first!” He started the car, and said, “you like that teenage radio station KQV, don’t you, let's play that.” “I loved you then dad, and now; thank you for being my father, Happy Father’s Day to you!

Saturday, June 19, 2021



TREASON: Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance. This typically includes acts such as participating in a war against one's native country, attempting to overthrow its government. SEDITION: Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority. TYRANNY: a nation under a cruel and oppressive government. cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control. 2020-2021 REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS: ALL OF THE ABOVE, AND DESIRING A COUP OVER THE CONSTITUTION, AND DESTRUCTION OF DEMOCRACY!

Republican representative Madison Cawthorn suggested that assault rifles must stay legal so that civilians can overthrow the U.S. government, i.e. his current employer. Appearing on Newsmax to discuss AR-15s and military weapons, the North Carolina lawmaker told host Chris Salcedo that “The Second Amendment is not written for sporting. The Second Amendment is so that if a tyrannical government ever wants to rise up, we can stop them.” Then he made a…rather strange historical reference! “If anybody ever wants to say, ‘Oh, well you know what? Citizens with a few small firearms would never be able to stop the federal government,’ I absolutely disagree, he said. “Ask the Viet Cong how they handled the Marines and the Army in Vietnam.” (Vanity Fair)

I am AFRAID. My Country is being held hostage by RADICAL POLITICIANS, who are supported by just enough, RADICAL ENEMIES OF THE STATE, who identity as THE REPUBLICAN BASE. I am SCARED. My Nation is being torn apart in BROAD DAYLIGHT. My Democracy is being attacked, RIGHT BEFORE ALL OF OUR EYES, left weakened and bloody! I witness the death and doom each, and every day; and yet somehow, the DEMOCRAT PARTY in power (for the moment) seems to be leisurely taking their time in CHANGING THIS COURSE OF DESTRUCTION. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY

PATRIOT: a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. I am TERRIFIED that the definition of THIS word is forever gone.


Friday, June 18, 2021


 GASLIGHT/ Released May 4, 1944, Directed by George Cukor/ Screenplay by Van Drutan-Reisch-Bladerston…Besides its theme of emotional abuse and manipulation, Gaslight also possesses a political message, which still applies to many of nowadays social issues—especially the way leaders make promising statements to deceive ordinary Americans, fooling them into believing in a corrupted party, spreading out misleading fantasies as fact.


Another day AND more REPUBLICAN lies, laden with loopholes, lunacy, and the larvae from the corpse of MAGA maniacs and the puppetry or Putin surround this nation. Trump never went away because the fog of HIS bigotry, bias, and bogus, remains thick, and the ideals of hate and scorn rise in pockets of smelly sulfur. You know where the INSURECTIONISTS linger because truth lays dead, morals have already rusted, and DEMOCRACY has decayed. And now, HISTORY, which in the past many decades relied on just the written word, but NOW has its own audio and video to accompany it; is the new target of GASLIGHTING, and what we saw heard, watched, and witnessed is to be accused of PARTISIANSHIP! 




Thursday, June 17, 2021



Ya ’all, just seem to MESS WITH TEXAS, and MESS AND MESS AND MESS… Ya ‘all play politics, self-serving, injustices to others for the welfare of JUST yourself IN TEXAS… 


“For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.”-Noam Chomsky/ “[T]he infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists. That is why they invented Hell.”-Bertrand Russell.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) announced Wednesday the state budget would provide $250 million as a "down payment" to help fund the construction of a wall at the state's border with Mexico. Abbott said the $250 million in funding was "more than enough to hire a project manager and contractor to begin building the wall," declaring: "Texas will build a border wall in our state to help secure our border." (AXIOS)… OR… The Electric Reliability Council of Texas released a statement asking Texans to conserve power, which includes a request to set their thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, turn off lights and pool pumps, and avoid using large appliances such as ovens, washing machines, and dryers. This comes after a devastating winter storm season which left millions without electricity and heat for days, resulting in an estimated 700 deaths. (The Mary Sue)


“Let's not have a double standard. One standard will do just fine.” -George Carlin. / “He was a man who would say untruths, and be ever double, both in his words and deeds.” — He was never, but where he meant to ruin, pitiful. -Shakespeare. 


Gov. Greg Abbott signs into law one of the nation’s strictest abortion measures, banning procedures as early as six weeks into a pregnancy (The Texas Tribune) …OR… Ranks 50th out of 50 states: Percentage of population with health insurance Percentage of high school graduates age 25 and over. Of insured low-income children. Ranks:  49th out of 50 states: Per capita spending on public health, Percentage of women ages 50–69 who received mammograms within the last two years. Ranks 48th out of 5o states Average spending per child-on-child protection. Ranks 46th out of 50 states: Per capita spending on mental health (Texas Monthly)









Wednesday, June 16, 2021

what are WE waiting for!

 In 1968. Soviet forces had invaded Czechoslovakia to crush the reform movement known as the Prague Spring. The continued presence of Soviet troops helped the communist hard-liners, who were joined by Husák, to defeat Dubček and the reformers.


Working as a counselor at a resident camp, was for me, moments in time for which, to this day, time stands still, and I can still hear the echoes of our camp song, as we watched the light of each summer’s night reaching its end! Lots of stories, the trials, and tribulations of recent high school graduates along with college-aged colleagues working in a summer place, remote, removed, reeling in romances, and adding skills to life’s journeys leaving imprints as personal as the fingerprints from which we all are born.


It was 1968, she was a few years older than me, and way more of a HIPPY, than I could ever be, but she had freedom of purpose, an adventure I wish belonged to my personality. Janet wanted world peace, like and love, and would never take NO, as any form of an answer; and when NO was provided as an answer, she pretended NO ONE ever said it! Janet and I were a thing, one of the couples at camp, who throughout the summer breezes, the isolated confines of a few acres of woods and forests, discovered the kind of passion innocence, promotes, and in which youth becomes invigorated. To live at a Resident Camp for 8 weeks is to find a paradise and remain aloof, alive, and alone, TOGETHER.  In 1968 news of perhaps a beginning of an escalation toward a third world war loomed in the headlines of the real world, from which we were sheltered, but eventually seeped into our hidden environment. People in Czechoslovakia were being murdered just because they preferred DEMOCRACY, over AUTOCRACY. Janet could hardly restrain herself from hearing of this injustice and decided she needed to leave camp and do something to help the Czech’s and to let FREEDOM RING. 


Janet remained at camp and when it was time to sing the song WILL I SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER, she flew to New York and took a volunteer gig with Amnesty International, and landed in Prague. I received a postcard from Janet…It read: “When we ignore NOW and replace it with the word TOMORROW, nothing will be left to accomplish or conquer; instead, WE will just regret never taking action.” Wake up AMERICANS, right before our eyes, the rug, the furniture, and actually, our entire house is BEING PULLED OUT FROM UNDERNEATH US. What are WE waiting for!



Tuesday, June 15, 2021

less than more

 “More, more, more

How do you like it? How do you like it?
More, more, more
How do you like it? How do you like it?
More, more, more
How do you like it? How do you like it?” (More, More, More/Gregg Diamond)


MORE death by guns. More resentment toward herd immunity. MORE Republican State legislatures, promoting Fascist Governing policies. MORE details about Trump's, Nixonian Enemy’s list. More denials by Republican leadership regarding the INSURRECTION on January 6. MORE threats by McConnell to act as Emperor and deny the majority of Americans who voted for Biden/Harris a say so in governing. MORE disastrous news about climate change. MORE promises by Democrat leadership in the House and Senate to EVENTUALLY, MAYBE, ACTUALLY look into the crimes of the TRUMP Administration. MORE leftover shit, from four years ago, found to be forming mountains of GRAFT, GREED, GLUTTONY, set in motion to defy the gravity of democracy, and crush any and all hope for an America based on law and order, rules and regulation, right from wrong!


“You’re ignoring me so loud that it’s deafening. This silence is so deep that it’s echoing.”-Anna Jae

“Every word has consequences. Every silence too”- Jean-Paul Sartre…“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

Haile Selassie I

Have you ever wondered at what point, when, did someone suddenly stop caring about doing good? Have you ever wondered at what point when were morals and values no longer a part of someone’s communication? Have you ever wondered, why bad things MUST happen to good people? Have you ever wondered, why it is that YOU, can tell the difference between right or wrong, fair and inequality, justice and a sham, BUT those in positions of authority have so much difficultly? HAVE YOU EVER JUST WONDERED WHY AND HOW AND WHAT FOR?







Monday, June 14, 2021


 Sadly, I only had the opportunity of knowing my Grandma Buncher, for the first 10 years of my life. She was a loving woman, but aloof, and limited in her expression of emotions; at the time I recall thinking she was the mean Grandma. Fastidious, and obsessive, visiting her house always had requirements. There was thick plastic on all living room furniture, (in the summertime my little sister and I would call them the Fart Furniture, because our flesh would stick to the plastic and when we moved it sounded like a party in the bathroom.) There were very expensive glass dishes for wrapped candy and even smaller plates upon which you would be required to place the plastic once the wrapper was open. One piece of candy ONLY, so, My Grandma Buncher would add ahead of time, “Choose carefully, because there will be no spitting out of your mouth if you chose the wrong flavor.” This warning did cause great consternation at the time! She had a Grand Piano in the living room but also reminded us, that the only fingerprints allowed were on the keys of the piano, and the only people to touch the keys were those who knew how to play concertos. We had no idea what a concerto even was, and was afraid to ask, so it was hands-off. BUT there was a softer side, also. My Grandma Buncher would create any flavor of “POP,” for us, as she had glass containers of various flavors, seltzer water, and this little machine that made air bubbles. The saving grace of our visits to her house was entering her kitchen, one at a time, and inventing our own “POP,” (In Pittsburghese, POP is Soda or Coke)


As my Grandma Buncher entered her kitchen, it was as if she had transformed into another person. She smiled, even giggled, taking our hands and hugging us. “What concoctions shall we create today”, she happily asked, and albeit it took time for both my little sister and me to understand the word CONCOCTION, we both knew it had something to do with how many flavors could we mix to make our own tasty delight of “POP!” Busy selecting the flavors wiping and re-wiping the already clean glasses would be the time when Grandma Buncher actually had conversations with us. One message I still remember, as she and I stood in the 1950-ish green painted walls and the white subway tile floors, of her kitchen, was the idea of NEVER ASK A QUESTION IF YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER. My Grandma Braff insisted, that education was based on a foundation. If you already knew the answer and understood the truth of your answer, then ask something else, SOMETHING to add to your knowledge. Handing us our homemade “POP,” (which of course could be sipped while in the kitchen), the final words of advice sounded like this: “We all have “CONVICTIONS about truth, but those are just an emotional response to truth…TRUTH, is the easiest thing to discover, BUT many times more difficult to CONVINCE other people…NEVER stop trying.”


So far this year, we have suffered 272 mass shootings, according to Gun Violence Archive.  From Friday afternoon to Sunday, at least nine people were killed and another 47 were injured in eight mass shootings in six states, according to data compiled by CNN and the Gun Violence Archive. A woman was killed and three others were injured when an SUV struck a parked car and tossed it into demonstrators during a protest in the Minneapolis neighborhood where a Black man was fatally shot earlier this month. (CNN) YET, in states like Texas abortion is barely legal. On May 19, 2021, Governor Greg Abbot signed Texas Senate Bill 8 of the 87th legislature, a heartbeat bill that will prohibit abortions once a fetal "heartbeat" is detectable, which often occurs before a woman knows she is pregnant. (Wikipedia) I read this, (my stomach gets those nasty feelings of “butterfly’s), I know WHY it is easier to murder and maim, slaughter and silence those of us living, I see the HYPOCRISY of those who decry abortion, but delight in GUNS, and Getting Even…and I begin to ask WHY…but am reminded of my Grandma Buncher’s words of NEVER ASK A QUESTION IF YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER. Holy Shit!




Sunday, June 13, 2021


 “You made me love you, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to do it, You made me want you, And all the time you knew it, I guess you always knew it…” (You Made Me Love You/Merkin-Romoff)

The INSURRECTIONISTS are now dazed and confused, after spending time in jail, as to why they are being punished for OBEYING, the hue and cry, the fiction and LIE of Herr Commander Trump! HE made them gullible, guilty, HE caused bad behavior, acting like a bully, HE was the PORN Movie, and just because THEY placed 25 cents into the slot to watch the movie, it was HIS fault they even closed the curtain behind them to watch the FILM.


“…You made me happy sometimes, You made me glad, But there were times, You made me feel so bad…” (You Made Me Love You/Merkin-Romoff)

So more and more disgusting TREASONOUS shit seems to be falling upon or is it growing from the Fascist Pursuits of Willie, and Rudy. Neither man should still be able to practice law or be a member of the BAR, but both seem so far to just get the typical DEMOCRAT response, “IF YOU DON’T BE CAREFUL WE WILL HUFF AND PUFF!” Both men were BADASS BITCHES for Trump, bragging about bringing down the US Government, installing a DICTATOR, and destroying DEMOCRACY. Both by now should have been subpoenaed, shackled, and shown the way to prison. But if left to their own devices, it seems the DEMOCRAT leadership will just punt, instead of trying to score the goal and win the game!


“…Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme what I cry for You know you've got the brand of kisses That I'd die for You know you made me love you…”(You Made Me Love You/Merkin-Romoff)

HE walks into memorial services, weddings, social events, as might an individual confused, ruminating with a sort of dementia, one might wonder, is HE safe wondering on HIS own; BUT nothing will stop TRUMP or his cache of careless and charlatan handlers. NOPE, HE is still the great CON ARTIST, shamming and shaming grifting, and groping for fame and fortune, and HE is just the ticket from which THEY can still make lots of bucks! Then there the minions who INSIST they drink the KOOL-AID at MAR-A-LAGO, celebrate a shyster BECAUSE HE made it cool again to HATE OUT LOUD!


Somethings seem NEVER to fade from sight, when in fact they should disappear from view FOREVER!





Saturday, June 12, 2021


 “I can't wait forever

Even though you want me to
I can't wait forever
To know if you'll be true

Time won't let me-ee-ee (Whoa, no)
Time won't let me-ee-ee (Whoa, no)
Time won't let me-ee-ee-ee
Wait that long” (‘Time Won’t Let Me’/The Outsiders)


"To meet the challenge of the current moment, we must re-dedicate the resources of the Department of Justice to a critical part of its original mission: enforcing federal law to protect the franchise for all eligible voters," Merrick Garland said, noting a recent wave of legislation in several states that restrict voter access. (USA Today)


Late on the night of April 24, the wife of Georgia’s top election official got a chilling text message: “You and your family will be killed very slowly.” A week earlier, Tricia Raffensperger, wife of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, had received another anonymous text: “We plan for the death of you and your family every day.” (Reuters)


“Donald Trump in the White House again may not be as patient and may just skip the Department of Justice and its processes and just order his lieutenants to lock up his political opponents,” says Rep. Eric Swalwell on his fear if those involved in Trump data seizure don't face consequences. (MSNBC)


Tuesday, November 2, 2021…Tuesday, January 5, 2021, Wednesday, January 6, 2021… Saturday, June 12, 2021…AND EXACTLY what EXACTLY has changed? I suppose the HEAT of the day will become the HYPE of yesterday, a sad sack of shit FORGOTTEN, FORGIVEN, FOREVER FROZEN in time, but never enough TIME to save AMERICA and AMERICANS!



Friday, June 11, 2021

Dear Gerry

 My Dear Gerry,

It is now 71 years and 8 months, since that day, Grandpa Buncher became overwhelmed with joy and delight that his oldest son, Howard, had HIS oldest son Gerald William. A Grandson, to carry on the Buncher name, a new Prince soon to become King of the Buncher Kingdom, albeit a small tailor located on Walnut Street in the Shadyside neighborhood of Pittsburgh. For the travels, trials, and tribulations of a journey from Kyiv to Pittsburgh, fighting the hordes of Russian pogroms, Benjamin Buncher was a Grandfather, and HIS Grandson would inherit the Earth!


True and false, Gerry…It was the 1950’s and if you “Liked Ike” you also understood black was black, white was white, wrong was wrong, right was right, boys ONLY became masculine men, and girls only grew to become feminine women. At first, it was not a struggle, you were young and had time to prepare for ALL the MALE responsibilities lying in wait for you, OR was it, waiting to trip you up, tease you and try your stamina and strength. Nonetheless, it was a time when no one EVER drew outside of the lines, and EVERONE remained inside their perceived boxes. You did, and be it fate, or in Yiddish BESHERT (destiny), or human nature, time passed, and you pursued a life where heterosexuality was the main course and homosexuality that seemingly elusive dessert!


Lots to learn and unlearn, accept and realize that to be accepted meant coming into a light and leaving the shadows and closet forever. To be honest, Gerry, you did your best, and at times felt you needed to even be better. Thank you for FINALLY seeking and reaching for YOUR truth.


Much love and admiration,



PS: June 12, 2021, marks the 5-year anniversary of the tragic Pulse Nightclub shooting, a day that devastated—and united—the Orlando community… Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday slashed $900,000 in funding for programs that serve LGBTQ people in Central Florida, including a program that provides mental health services to survivors and family members of victims of the Pulse nightclub mass shooting. A promise, young Gerry, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND EQUALITY, because SILENCE EQUALS DEATH!



Thursday, June 10, 2021


 The endless cycle of outrage and reform over policing in America

Entrenched practices reemerge when monitors move on, leadership changes and public scrutiny wanes. (NEWSWEEK)


This, rant, is NOT JUST about the lack of will to move forward with Police Reform…this rant is about THE LACK OF WILL by the public to move forward in most types of REFORM from Gun Violence, Racial Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Gender Identity Biases, and Fascism…once the HUBUB has receded, it seems the politicians re-discover their HUBRIS, and pretend, OUTRAGE was so yesterday, and get away with their WHITEWASHING of history. Of course, there is enough PUBLIC OUTCRY, but if we look closely at the GROUNDHOG DAY EFFECT, and the EFFECTIVENESS of the Republican/FOX/Christian Evangelical/1% Domestic Terrorist/ Dark Money Spin Machine to change the subject, or SUBJECT the issue as a PROGRESSIVE PLOT, our Tears and Fears turn into FOLLY, and the rest of America seems to FORGET!


Think about it…at least 2,000 people have been killed or injured in mass shootings since 1999 when 13 students were killed at Columbine High School…One out of 44 adults – 2.27 percent of the total U.S. voting-eligible population–is disenfranchised ...90 state lawmakers accused of sexual misconduct since 2017…With Eight Anti-LGBTQ Bills Already Enacted Into Law In States This Year — and Ten More Awaiting Governors' Signatures…The Big Lie is still being told, and the INSURRECTION on January 6, is ignored (Reuters)…


My Grandma Braff would tell my siblings and me, “When you hear people say TUT-TUT, it is NOT worth the worry, BE WORRIED!” She then, would stand perfectly erect, stare into someplace in the void of time gone by, and add, “The spit of the TUT-TUT, cannot compare to the SWEAT, of actually making things change; IT is not worth its weight in salt!”





Wednesday, June 9, 2021


 To SCHVITZ: A Yiddish word: Schvitz: to perspire

Schvitz: to be nervous
Durchshvitz (/doorkh*shvitz/): to persevere
Schvitz (noun): a steam bath, where people sweat
Schvitzer (noun, adjective): a big shot (who can afford to sit in a schvitz and shoot the breeze with fellow schvitzers)


Short story: When I became the Assistant Director of the Jewish Community Center of Pittsburgh, the community continued its YM&WHA (Young Men and Women’s Hebrew Association;) historically it was a Jewish version of the YMCA, because back in the day, Jews were prohibited from joining Christian oriented YMCA’s, so we created our own. I was working this job in the late ’70s and at the YM&WHA was an old-time health club, with a very popular steam bath, where older men could spend hours on end, doing nothing but taking a SCHVITZ. I, at the time, was a youngster and wanted to earn the respect of these ELDERS, and asking one of my mentors (a man of a certain age, of which I NOW find myself, he said to take a long SCHVITZ, listen to the stories of the old country, let the men complain about being retired, their children taking over the family business and fucking that up, and how they love their wives, but hate all the shopping they do. OY, I thought this was one HELLISH way to get to know these members. I did, however, because many of these men were the original pillars of the Jewish Community, and I felt an obligation to get to know them. So, it was time to TAKE A SCHVITZ. I walked into the area where the sauna was located, approached the four steps up to enter the steam bath, when one man said, welcome, but what is that? For a minute, I wanted to say my balls, but they were covered by my swimsuit, so I looked confused. He then said the SCHVITZ is to purify yourself, no swim trunks…OY, who knew!


I have SCHVITED  about the state of our UNION…CONSTITUTION…DEMOCRACY… and the potential for a future of a FASCIST Government…an AUTHORITARIAN Government…a THEOCRACY…a DICTATORSHIP. To me, these are REAL possibilities, and I did not live my 71 years, and raise two children for my future to be blighted and bloated by bigoted, bull shit artists, so I do all I can to try and change an outcome. But honestly, after seeing a few photos of the Orange Turd, desperate to take center stage, once again, when he was in North Carolina I had to chuckle (I never laugh at him, because to do so is to take your eye off of his scheming)…BUT, I thought of the phrase…THE EMPORER HAS NO CLOTHES…and the story that ass lickers are always afraid of telling the ASS-WIPE, the truth…this time, however, it seems the ASS-LICKERS, never told the feeble-minded idiot…HIS PANTS WERE ON BACKWARDS…I bet a lot of them were SCHVITING afterward!



Tuesday, June 8, 2021



SHONDA: noun. informal US. In Jewish usage: a person, thing, or act that brings shame or scandal; a disgrace.


My Grandma Braff (my mother’s mother) arrived in the United States at the age of 15. Her instructions upon arrival with her younger sister were simple…learn English immediately, GET A JOB IMMEDIATELY, and never place your laundry on the window sill to dry! My Grandma Braff’s eldest sister had already arrived, settled in, married a man twice her age, became a stepmother, and was too soon pregnant,  ALL THE WHILE still in her teens. The other instructions, according to my Grandma Braff’s recollections were to learn the good jargon (phrases like “what’s new,” “how are you doing,” “what are you up to,”) and to REMEMBER THE bad jargon, like any word considered a swear word (my Grandmother’s older sister informed my Grandmother, it was easy to know those words, because the person's veins, who was using those words would look swollen, and as angry as they seemed, suddenly would look around and whisper a SWEAR WORD!) BUT, my Grandma Braff was told, only repeat those words at home and learn the YIDDISH translation for them. Oh, yeah, and never use the English or Yiddish translation for a swear word in front of a male relative, AND NEVER IN FRONT OF ANY MAN WHO MIGHT BE CONSIDERED A PROPER SUITER! (which in those days was any Jewish man NOT a relative!)


It was NOT until I was in my teens, that I heard my Grandmother swear in English. We were standing in line, at Rosen’s Drug Store to pick up her prescription. A long line and a long wait, because back in the day, you asked a lot of questions of the Pharmacist, and they took the time to answer. There was a man, however who wasn’t having any of it. He was yelling “I have a rash, it itches, all I want is some cream.” He pushed his way forward, moving about half a dozen people. My Grandma and I were next in line when this man stood in front of my grandmother. My grandmother always carried an umbrella, (she said it was just in case it rained, BUT I soon discovered, the UMBRELLA was actually a weapon. The man is about to push ahead of my Grandma, when she says, with her ruby red painted lips pursed so tightly, I thought she had fangs like a snake. She raised her umbrella from the pointed edge and hissed, “YOU PUTZ!” If you come one-inch closer, I will make you SHIT in your pants! WTF, I was shocked, and so was the guy. My Grandma raised her pointed end of the umbrella higher, “GO!” she demanded, and he did! Placing the umbrella pointed side down, as if nothing had happened, my Grandma looked at me and said, “Such a SHONDA, I hope his mother passed away before she realized she gave birth to a SHONDA!”  

TODAY, I READ THIS REPORT, AND I IMMEDIATELY RECALLED THIS GRANDMA BRAFF STORY!...U.S. Capitol Police leaders learned that Trump supporters were discussing ways to infiltrate tunnels around the complex and target Democratic members of Congress on Jan. 6 but failed to act on the threats, according to a new Senate report summing up what it says were PROFOUND INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY FAILURES that contributed to one of the worst incidents of domestic terrorism in U.S. history. The report also says that officers complained about a lack of leadership within the department as they tried to repel the attack — and that top leaders were virtually silent as they begged for help… The report also criticizes the actions of the FBI and DHS, noting that neither published an intelligence bulletin before the Jan. 6 counting of the Electoral College votes despite widespread public indications of significant and possible violent protests planned in Washington. Both agencies have defended their actions. (NBC/NEWS)





Monday, June 7, 2021


 “You say yes, I say no

You say stop and I say go go go, oh no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.” (Hello Goodbye/Lennon McCartney)


They relentlessly, ruthlessly, ridiculously, ruminated, ridiculed, ranted, and raved regarding Hillary and sang the song of “Lock Her Up, Lock Her UP!” The Republicans knowing full well that when you tell a lie once repeat it a million times, never apologize for the lie, YET act all pouty when called a liar (kind of like the four-year-old who says…” I Know I Am, But What About You…”) rinse and repeat, ENOUGH DUMB AS SHIT LEMMINGS, and Main Street Media types, placing ratings over facts, will JOIN IN and instead of questioning, provide 15 more minutes of shame to let the LIE LINGER.


So, NOW the Republicans are about to “LOCK HIM UP”, as they pounce upon a false pretense, regarding Anthony Fauci, and pretend, somehow an INSURRECTION/a BIG ELECTION LIE/a SEDITION, AUTHORITARIAN FIGURE HEAD/a TREASONOUS, RUSSIAN ASSET… IS OF NO MORE INTEREST OR CONCERN…TRUMP and his MADCAP MOCSVITES, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Marjory QAnon, are off the hook for the failed COUP on January 6, and oh yeah, the over 500,000 (HALF A MILLION Deaths from a lack of a plan to tackle COVID-19.


So, once again we will hear the CHORUS of “LOCK HIM UP,” by the GQP, as they get all nasty and snarky…and as they proceed with their Hillary PlayBook, based on BOGUS, what exactly will the DEMS be doing, when in FACT, their need to LOCK HIM UP…HIM BEING TRUMP…IS indeed based on facts! They say hello, and we the people just hear goodbye!


Sunday, June 6, 2021



“So, bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
And them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin', "This'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die" (American Pie/Don McLean)


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said he will vote against a sweeping election reform overhaul bill, dubbed the For The People Act, putting the fate of the legislation in jeopardy in the evenly split Senate. In an op-ed published early Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, Manchin, one of the Democratic caucus’s most conservative members, zeroed in on the partisan nature of the legislation, which has not attracted any Republican support.

“I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening blinds of our democracy, and for that reason, I will vote against the For The People Act," Manchin wrote.

“The truth, I would argue, is that voting and election reform that is done in a partisan manner will all but ensure partisan divisions continue to deepen,” he added.

Manchin also said he “will not vote to weaken or eliminate the filibuster,” which a number of leading Democrats have suggested in order to pass election reform. (The Hill)

EVEN THOUGH, during MOSCOW MITCH’S REIGN OF AUTHORITARIAN TERROR, to his GOP caucus, and then publicly on October 23, 2010: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president. McConnell: If President Obama does a Clintonian backflip, if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues, it’s not inappropriate for us to do business with him… (Bloomberg), AND… Obama was, in fact, allowed to name Garland as his Supreme Court nominee near the end of his second term in office, but Republicans in the Senate blocked his confirmation. In contrast, Barrett's confirmation process proceeded with only weeks left until the presidential election next month. (USA Today), AND… Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he is "100 percent" focused "on stopping" President Joe Biden's administration. (NBC News), AND… "There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day," McConnell said shortly after the 57-43 Senate vote that ended in the former president's acquittal. (npr),AND…Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asked other GOP senators to vote against the January 6 commission as a "personal favor" to him, CNN reported Thursday. McConnell said the bill was "a purely political exercise and accused Democrats of focusing on "things that occurred in the past." (INSIDER).

FIRST WE HAVE ONE SENATOR FROM KENTUCKY side track American Democracy and the will of the people, most likely plying puppet to his 1% Donor Class of Domestic Terrorists, and NOW WE HAVE, a wanna be KING, from West Virginia, either brain dead, a complete loss of memory or GIVING ZERO FUCKS for Voting Rights and Democracy, preserving ONLY his well-being…Trump was the DEADLY DISEASE, MCCONNELL AND MANCHIN ARE THE TUMORS traveling in the lungs, muscles, and body of this nation!