Thursday, June 3, 2021

To Yell Fire


Report: Trump Has Fully Lost It, Won’t Stop Telling People He’s Going to Be President Again This Year. After he overturns the results of the election, which he legitimately thinks is going to happen. (Vanity Fair)


Imagine standing outside of a movie theater, some of your friends have already gone inside, saving seats for you and the remainder of your party. As you stand there, you witness, about a dozen people enter with bottles of gasoline, kerosine, large pieces of wood wrapped with cloth on the top! They also have dozens of boxes of matches, large chunks of metal with some very heavy-duty metal locks. As your interest has peeked, you step closer and you hear, some of these people talking among themselves, about going to burn the place down because the ushers were rude, and they asked for butter on their popcorn and received none. The cashier, sitting in his or her booth, seems unalarmed and almost oblivious to all of this commotion. Still waiting for your friends, and now becoming a bit dubious of all this action, you approach the cashier and ask what is going on. He or she looks up and says, some guy complained about the popcorn and did not like the way the ushers treated him, he said, “THIS WILL NOT END WELL,” and left. You know, adds the cashier, sometimes you just deserve butter on your popcorn, and I agree that some of the ushers, especially those of color, don’t respect the customer.


Now, more and more of these disgruntled mob-like people, enter and exit, bringing more and more accessories to start a HUGE fire, you call the fire department, they arrive, and you explain this tenuous situation. Their response to you is, “WE DON’T SEE A FIRE, YET, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?” Now the manager of the theater is standing outside, you run to him or her, pleading, “DO SOMETHING!” He or she says in a very matter-of-fact voice, “THE MAN WHO WAS DENIED HIS BUTTER, AND FOR WHOM HE THINKS PEOPLE OF COLOR ARE RUDE, IS A VERY IMPORTANT CUSTOMER, USUALLY WHAT HE SAYS IS CORRECT! As you are speaking the mob is now bringing in torches lit with large flames of fire. Now you are panicked because your friends and family are inside the theater. A blaze inside the theater is started, the same mob locks the front doors. The cashier mutters, “I guess they deserve it; the manager shrugs, adding, “SOME PEOPLE JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND THAT BUTTER AND GOOD SERVICE ARE IMPORTANT!” You are screaming, “PEOPLE ARE DYING,” as the flames engulf everything. Finally, the fire department, look at you and say, “NOW WE CAN ACT, THERE IS A FIRE!”


Yep, that is how I am feeling right now with the potential demise of our democracy, and the lack of URGENCY from the people who should be ACTING instead of REACTING!