Sunday, April 24, 2022

comin' to take me away

 Man upset by gender definitions threatened to bomb Merriam-Webster's offices, federal prosecutors say. Federal prosecutors say a California man who was upset by Merriam-Webster's inclusive gender definitions threatened to bomb the publisher's offices and sent "threatening and despicable" messages targeting the LGBTQ community.

Jeremy David Hanson, 34, was arrested Tuesday and charged with one count of interstate communication of threats to commit violence in connection to anti-LGBTQ online threats made against the company in October, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts announced Friday. (USA TODAY)


A teacher in North Texas received official notice Friday that she’ll be out of a job at the end of the school year after she objected to the school’s removal of pro-LGBTQ “safe space” stickers from the school building. (Rolling Stone)


Sheriff urges library to yank books with LGBTQ content after "thorough review"

"Based upon this review, we do not feel that this content is appropriate for young children even though it does not rise to the level of a crime." The group complaining about the books also wanted to ban a book about the civil rights movement. The Florida chapter of Moms 4 Liberty (M4L), a far-right "parents' rights group", has filed a criminal complaint against the Indian River County School District for having library books with LGBTQ themes. Even more concerning was the local sheriff's response to the group's complaint. (LBTQ Nation)


“You thought it was a joke,


When I had said that losing you

Would make me flip my lid, … They're coming to take me away,

Haha, they're coming to take me away,

Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,” His real name was Jerry Samuels and he was a recording engineer in New York City. He came up with an idea: a song about a poor guy who's so distraught over his girlfriend leaving him that he's driven to madness. A 1960 madcap song. A 2022, real time PURGE. THE REPUBLICANS have set their sharpshooters' eyes on the LGBTQ community, wanna take bets on which DEMOGRAPHIC IS NEXT?