Wednesday, April 20, 2022

So vain, or is it in vain?

 “…You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (you're so vain)

I bet you think this song is about you

Don't you don't you?... (You’re So Vain/Carly Simon)


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., has been trying her damnedest to block a lawsuit challenging her eligibility to run for re-election this year, but those hopes were crushed by a federal judge Monday. The suit was filed on behalf of Georgia voters by Texas-based advocacy group Free Speech for People and alleges Greene’s remarks supporting Jan. 6 rioters and appearing to encourage political violence violate the 14th Amendment, which bans those who have engaged in an “insurrection” from serving in Congress. (Greene has denied aiding and engaging in an insurrection.) (MSNBC)


NO, MARGIE (PUTIN) GREENE, this song or BLOG is NOT about you directly, it is begging a bigger question, one you of course have URGED any GOOD AMERICAN to ask by your CRIMINAL and CORRUPT actions, by your seeming lack of MORALS, PRINCIPLES, and EDUCATION regarding American History and the UNDERSTANDING of the term DEMOCRACY. 


The 14th Amendment, which bans those who have engaged in an “insurrection” from serving in Congress. Wow, you know Margie Putin Greene, as in the Constitution which tried its darndest to establish the RULES AND REGULATIONS of living in a Republic based on GOVERNING ALL THE PEOPLE, not just the Bigots/Bogus and Bias. As a citizen (and if you and your SEDITIONISTS---had your way as an American who happens to be Gay and Jewish, my rights would be limited) I DEMAND to know why you are still sitting in Congress, doing nothing but helping create a COUP. Come on DOJ, Margie, and her band of MAGA/Oath Keepers/Proud Boys has been breaking the law…