Wednesday, April 27, 2022

you made me do it

 'Homophobic' first-class passenger accused of assaulting Delta flight attendant Christopher Alexander Morgan was arrested after the flight landed at a Phoenix airport. “He said that his homophobia may have caused his temper,” according to a criminal complaint. A passenger was arrested after allegedly hurling homophobic slurs at a Delta Air Lines flight attendant and assaulting the man on a flight from Atlanta to Phoenix. (NBC) 

YOU, ASSUMED GAY MAN, MADE ME ASSAULT YOU…I didn’t want to do it, but I am a sad sack man afraid of my own lack of masculinity, and I presumed you were a gay man, because of all of the preconceived bull shit I had rummaging through my insecure mind, and damn if you are happy as you are and I am miserable as I am, YOU MADE ME ASSAULT YOU!


YOU HAD NO RIGHT BEING AN ASSUMED GAY MAN, working on the same Delta Flight, I overpaid for first-class seats. YOU INTENTIONALLY worked the first-class seating, because you must have known I AM A HOMOPHOBE, and you tempted me with your presumed GAYNESS! Had you NOT been in the first-class seating, I could have kept my hateful homophobia in check, and had a few more alcoholic drinks commiserating with myself about how AWFUL my life HAS BEEN AND WILL BE. BUT NOOOOO…you assumed Gay Flight Attendant, doing YOUR JOB, you ASSUMED UNMASCULINE MAN, were like a Vampire and I knew you would drain whatever perceived masculinity I had pretended to have my entire lie, from my SELF EMASCULATED BODY…IT’S YOUR FAULT I AM A COMPLETELY FUCKED UP PERSON!