Sunday, April 3, 2022

what, why, how

 “Don’t wait until you’re in the hot seat,” GLAAD media watchdog’s president and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis bluntly told the crowd at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Saturday. “There’s no more time to sit on the sidelines. We need Hollywood on the front lines, fighting for our rights and telling our stories.” (Variety)…And of course, whenever it comes to the Republican penchant for HATE, Lies, Loathing, Progressives/Liberals/Democrats usually play defense or worse CATCH-UP! Never knowing what the next BIG LIE will be, but knowing it will be a lie, the non-authoritarian loving folks of the US, sit like trapped animals waiting for the big pounce of a Group of Hypocrites, Fear Mongers, and LIARS.

Sarah Palin considered running for president in 2012, was “seriously interested” in the office four years later and said she’d run for vice president again “in a heartbeat.” Last year, she teased — and prayed about — a potential U.S. Senate run.

For all that, it nevertheless caught Republicans off guard — including in Palin’s home state — when the former governor of Alaska actually did announce her comeback bid, entering a U.S. House race on Friday. (POLITICO)…Just when one might suppose the demise of the DUMB seems so evident and necessary, the DUMB AND DUMBEST, from the past make a resurgence, resurrecting the most RIDICULOUS of human STUPID, ever witnessed. PALIN the PITFUL AND PATHETIC want back into politics. It is not enough that the Republican Party brags about Taylor-Green, Cawthorn, Gosar, Boebert, Cruz, and Hawley, but just to make certain that the USA falls into a deep dark hole of dog doo, PALIN enters the political scene to help spread the stench of the Know-Nothing, Do Nothing, Be Nothing!


Fox News’ Newest Contributor Caitlyn Jenner Assures Viewers She’s a “Patriot,” Not a “Trans Activist” Sean Hannity asked Caitlyn Jenner to agree with Florida’s anti-LGBTQ+ bill. She obliged. (Vanity Fair) …Sometimes there are stories about people, I do not want to read, but in spite of better intentions on my behalf (At least to keep my mental health HEALTHY), I still feel the urge to read them and try and place the details into some kind of perspective. REALITY TV, for me spawned some of the most useless of people, into the public eye, who then somehow even with any lack of substance can hold a lot of power and persuasion. CAITLYN in my opinion is one of the most self-absorbed, self-centered, and selfish creatures to be burped onto our REALITY TV screens EVER. I should ignore her, but like that mosquito bite that is so annoying and begging to be itched, I must scratch! What a HYPOCRITE, what a MEAN GIRL, what a HATEFUL, WANNA BE.  “Patriot,” Not a “Trans Activist”, if you ask me, Caitlyn might be a woman, but she still uses her White Male Privilege!