Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Next Enemy

 With comments about the church, Greene creates a new test for GOP…Marjorie Taylor Greene said Catholic church leaders aren’t protecting children from pedophiles and their support for immigrants reflects Satanic control… Catholic League, which has earned a reputation as a very conservative voice in religio-political affairs, was not pleased. Its president, Bill Donohue, released a written statement that read in part, “Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace. We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.” (MSNBC)

As much as I would like to make this BLOG about Margie Putin Greene, IN FACT, this  BLOG is not about the source of the Cesspool of REPUBLICAN FASCISM but IS ABOUT, the simple fact that no one WILL BE SAFE as the WITCH HUNT is permitted to continue, no one WILL BE SPEARED, as the GOP version of the FINAL SOLUTION is happening, and any version about “OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE,” will ever exist again when and once the CULT OF TRUMP becomes the MAJORITY!


As an American, who, among the many variables I bring to the table, one being a Gay man, I am no fan of Mr. Bill Donohue and his Catholic League. The Catholic League has been quite vociferous in denouncing the LGBTQ community, and his enjoyment of laws passed against the HOMOSEXUAL is disgusting…BUT here is the rub, at least for me…NOW, his favored Party of Anarchists is about to begin a RELIGIOUS CRUSADE, against Donohue and his ILK of Catholics. Hmmm…calling out the Blacks, the Immigrants, Women’s Reproductive Rights, and of course the Gays, was cool and easy…but as with any RIGHT-WING, REBELLION, no one is safe, because, for the REPUBLICANS in America in 2022, there must always be the NEXT ENEMY!