Saturday, September 23, 2023

Another kind of Triangle

 Kansas Librarians Sue After Being Fired Over Autism Display Mistaken for LGBTQ+ Support

They intended to support autism awareness and neurodiversity, but were fired because conservatives in town thought their colorful display supported the LGBTQ+ community.

Tensions escalated quickly after a temporary library employee misconceived a multicolored infinity symbol representing LGBTQ+ Pride, triggering a series of text exchanges involving Miller. Within hours, Miller communicated her disdain for the display to Wheeler, mentioning the “conservative” nature of the town and her unwillingness to have the library “make political statements.” (ADVOCATE)


Let’s get this straight (ha-ha-straight), shall we?  [The lawsuit alleges that board member Michelle Miller waged an “illegal campaign” to censor the displays based on her misconception, implicating the library’s board, the city, and the mayor in violating the librarians’ rights to free speech./ADVOCATE] To display any material regarding the LGBTQ community is deemed POLITICAL, however, in the twisted, bigoted, ignorant, and homophobic world of people like Michelle Miller, to DENY any display or any opportunity to free speech is somehow NOT POLITICAL! In a world void of either, or, many, more, Michelle Miller plays the title role of Queen, deciding whose philosophies are God Given, and whose philosophies are Devil Worship. And I am so tired of the word CONSERVATIVE, used as an excuse for the true words of HATEFUL/PREJUDICED/TERRIFIED/INSECURE/and STUPID. And when you read the article, somehow the same homophobic reaction of a TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE, over the decision of its PERMANENT STAFF, adds to the entire circus when people like Michelle Miller are granted the power to bully and everyone else around them just kowtows, remaining in the shadows!


Despite the explanation provided by Lancaster regarding the symbol’s representation of neurodiversity and autism, Miller purportedly leveraged her position on the board to rally support for the removal of the display, an action that seemingly disregarded the librarians’ focus on inclusivity and the celebration of differences. (ADVOCATE) Let’s be very afraid because if we permit more Michelle Millers to wield power, diversity, and difference will become so demonized, that perhaps just like the Nazis, anyone who is not a Michelle Miller person will have to wear some kind of triangle on their clothing!