Monday, September 25, 2023


 Even the Senate Is Loosening Its Dress Code in the Return-to-Office Era. (Wall Street Journal) 

“This is an American institution, and if what they’re doing doesn’t require this level of seriousness then that’s going to translate to a lot of other things,” said Kara Allan, who is also a celebrity stylist. (Wall Street Journal) SERIOUSLY, whoever the hell this putz named Kara Allen is, does she have any idea of her complete life of living in oblivion? This Institution currently has a Senator, (Tuberville) assisting TRUMP and PUTIN, in demeaning and destroying our Military Might. This Institution currently has at least two Senators, (Cruz and Graham) who tried to help TRUMP overthrow our election process by pushing for Fake Electors, this Senate currently has a Senator, McConnell, who decided not to even permit a vote on a duly elected President to nominate his choice for a Supreme Court Justice. This Institution has a Senator (Menendez), who once again is being investigated for Bribery.


The House of Representatives also has a longstanding unofficial dress code. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) told reporters Monday that the Senate’s change wasn’t appropriate. “Let’s be respectful of the institution, but more importantly, let’s be respectful to your constituents who are lending you that voice,” McCarthy said. (Wall Street Journal)


SERIOUSLY, KEVIE, you remain if anything a consistent PUTZ, FOOL, HEAD UP YOUR OWN ASS HYPOCRITE!  As if a dress code is a marker for appropriate. You PUTZ! You have not dealt with the lies of Santos, you have a cadre of clowns, like Gaetz/BOEBERT/Biggs/GYM Jordan/Margie-Putin-Greene aiding and abetting, the Crime Boss TRUMP assisting him in his attempted COUP. You have a FASCIST-oriented KLAN, called the “Freedom Caucus” who is marching to the orders of an indicted ex-president to reap chaos, but somehow KEVIE, you have the PUTZ RESPONSE of saying that what the members of the HOUSE wear makes them less respectful of their CONSTITUENTS1 HOLY SHIT KEVIE, you remain a total PUTZ!