Sunday, September 3, 2023


 Remember Nixon’s Enemy List? No…well maybe you need to study history, as in real facts reflecting on real events, that REALLY HAPPENED! 

'Enemy of the people': Trump's phrase and its echoes of totalitarianism

The phrase the president has repeatedly said in his attacks on the media was used by dictators including Stalin and Mao (The Guardian)


Trump Says He’s ‘Entitled’ to ‘Revenge Tour’ if He Wins in 2024

The former president claimed he wouldn't use the White House to punish his enemies right while saying it was his right to use the White House to punish his enemies. (Rolling Stone)


Unlike Nixon, who hid his loathing for a free democracy under the guise that as a Republican, he, NIXON, would be the PROTECTOR of AMERICA’S EXCEPTIONALISM, TRUMP, has provided us with a foreshadowing of how his AMERIKA, will neither thrive, nor survive, under his leadership, if he is elected to another term in office. TRUMP and his gaggle of GOP Goons, GOP Gestapo, GOP Insurrectionists, and Seditionists, have made it VERY clear that once TRUMP becomes President, the only justice served, will be by his command, his wishes, and his decisions. 


Sadly a WHOLE group of MAGA Cultists, including Republican Politicians, and the Republican Donor Base like the idea of having a Stalin/Hitler/Mao/Ayatollah/Kim Jung-Un/Putin as their newly appointed Dictator-In-Chief, thinking that by doing so, some kind of fucked up version of Freedom/Liberty and Democracy will take place. And yet, if the Pollsters are correct, there are enough self-loathing Americans to make this become reality!