Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Please Explain

 GOP Debate Stage Down To Just 1 Candidate Who Wouldn't Back A Convicted Trump. (HUFFPOST)

Let that thought sink into your heads, all of you so-called Independent Voters. The Republican Party has a slew of “wanna-be’s” who have no problem in supporting a possible GOP candidate for President, who has been charged in four criminal cases over a four-and-a-half-month span. In New York, he faces 34 felony counts in connection with hush money payments to a porn star. In Florida, he faces 40 felony counts for hoarding classified documents and impeding efforts to retrieve them. And for all of you who still think that any one of those GOP Presidential wanna be’s is a better choice than President Biden, ask yourself about your own HOMOPHOBIA/MISOGYNY/ANTI-SEMITISM/XENOPHOBIA. Cause every single one of those GOP wanna-be’s has made it clear in one way or another, that Abortion is not a woman’s choice to make. That Banning Books is okay. Don’t say, Gay. Trans Kids' parents have no voice in their medical care. History is not made of facts. January 6th has been exaggerated. Immigrants are bad people. And they still insist that Climate Change is a Hoax. This may, after all, be a Christian Nationalist Nation.


They insist that Biden is too old, but never question Trump's age or mental capacities. They have not truly expressed their support for the efforts of the Independence of the Justice Department or the FBI. Their lack of support for the Blue-Collar Worker leaves much to be desired.


Chris, (Forgive Father For I Have Sinned) Christie, may be the only one to talk shit about Trump, but where was he when Trump's shit was drip-dropping all over this nation!


So, PLEASE EXPLAIN to me, how you so-called, Independents, and Republicans even consider anyone who is currently running from within the Republican Party, comes close to not being a Bigoted/Hateful/Anti-Democracy Candidate. Yet somehow you cannot vote for Joe Biden, this time!