Friday, September 29, 2023


 Republicans unlikely to block Feinstein replacement on Senate judiciary committee. "I think it's the prerogative of the Democratic leader to put who he wants on the Judiciary Committee, so I don't think that's an issue," Cornyn said. "I don't think it should be handled any differently than filling any other vacancy. The problem was there wasn't a true vacancy before."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has yet to address how his party will handle the critical committee vacancy. He spoke about the late senator Friday morning on the House floor, saying California and the nation, "are better for [Feinstein's] advocacy and diligent service."

McConnell’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment asking if he would allow Democrats to replace Feinstein on the committee. (San Francisco Chronicle)


UH-HUH. Slick Mitch once again finds himself, in the driver's seat, regarding the COURTS of this nation. Remember the name Merrick Garland? Of course, we do, as we remember just as well How Slick Mitch stated, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared any appointment by the sitting president to be null and void. He said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the next president — to be elected later that year. (Google Search)


Slick Mitch, cares, as I read the Republican Tea Leaves, only about his Billionaire Base of Donors, cares little about the rest of the laws of this nation, and will NEVER cross the ire of those who have, over his decades in power, kept him powerful.


BUT, at least for me, very interestingly, this time around SLICK MITCH is also SICK MITCH (whether his DC doctors admit it or not), so ONE must wonder, and I am among the ONES who wonder, what if SLICK-SICK-MITCH is suddenly not able to serve in the Senate any longer…no not due to Term Limits…but due to health issues. BUT then again, the Dems have Chuckie Schumer, whose backbone, and spine always seem to disappear whenever he has the opportunity to play the Senate Game as well as SLICK-SICK-MITCH!