I am what I am. I don't want praise; I don't want pity. I bang my own drum. Some think it's noise; I think it's pretty. (“I Am What I Am”/Jerry Herman)
I am a human. I know that while I was growing up in the 50s and 60s with what I thought was a most horrible secret regarding my self-identity, having no idea it was, in fact, my sexuality at issue, I could not have sung the words I am what I am; because all I knew was, I did not want to be that. Even in the 70s, I struggled with the facts of life, hoping that I could ignore my truth. Thank goodness I found the strength to fight my own demons, demons which mainly had been set free to ruin my life by the society I so desired from which to conform. I was and am, and will always be, a Homosexual.
Trump's passport policy leaves trans, intersex Americans in the lurch. President Trump's executive order that the federal government recognizes only two sexes, male and female, is disrupting the lives of some trans, nonbinary and intersex people applying for passports. (npr) Trump Is Now Threatening Trans Voting Rights. (SLATE)
How dare a Felon, an accused Rapist, a Fraud, an Adulterer, and his just as pernicious and immoral cadre of hypocrites define and declare the biology of humans!
No, I am not a Trans, but so what, so what does it matter to you, and why should it matter to you? Unless it is your own insecurities and inadequacies that seem to be intimidated by the strength and power for anyone to come forward and shout out, finally, I AM WHAT I FUCKING AM, SO FUCK OFF!
I am what I am, And what I am needs no excuses I deal my own deck Sometimes the ace, sometimes the deuces It's my life that I want to have a little pride in My life, and it's not a place I have to hide in. Life's not worth a damn till you can shout out I am what I am. (“I Am What I Am”/Jerry Herman)