The MAGA minions or is it MAGA morons or is it MAGA maggots, are celebrating the unemployment of federal employees. Yes, the government needs to watch its budget. Still, I'm curious what happens when these same MAGA idiots realize that their unemployment checks, their Social Security checks, their Medicaid checks, and their food stamps will be delivered late or perhaps not at all.
All the while that this cost-cutting effort is taking place, the MAGA falling prey to the successful TRUMP LOOK OVER CON and SCHEME, forget that one of the best ways to balance the budget is to tax the Upper Wealthy especially the 1 and 2 percenters, a fairer share of their income and other tax breaks. This, in turn, will actually cause “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS” to take place.
Once again, the BUT THE PRICE OF GROCERIES AND GASOLINE IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN FREEDOMS, TRUMP voters, and part-time or full-time bigots. Think somehow as long as they are NOT THE OTHER; whatever the FASCIST ORANGE DICTATOR does is okee-doe-kee.