I wear my sunglasses at night So I can, so I can Watch you weave, then breathe your story lines And I wear my sunglasses at night So I can, so I can Keep track of the visions in my eyes. (“Sunglasses at Night”/Corey Hart)
In his case, MUSK wears his sunglasses indoors and during all appearances on TV and in person. One might wonder what the fuck he is hiding, not allowing any of us to see his eyes. We know he is a shifty dude, but come on, MUSK, what else are you hiding? At least we can see the beady, lifeless, orange-covered eyes of an empty vessel, TRUMP.
Some have suggested it is the result of too much Ketamine or other drugs, and so far, even as MUSK denies any of that as utter Left Wing Propaganda, he continues wearing his sunglasses.
One might wonder why President MUSK is so afraid of letting us look eye to eye with him. Most honest brokers will look you in the eye, demonstrating some form of self-security and confidence.