Wednesday, February 12, 2025

TWO more

 Susan Collins was worried about Tulsi Gabbard. Just not enough. The Senate Republicans most eager to trumpet their independence have abandoned their constitutional responsibility to “advise and consent.” (

There are a whole lot of FARCES, PHONIES, and FOOLS in the Senate, but one cartoon character takes the first prize in hypocrisy pretending the HYPE is better than doing the right thing. Once again SUSIE Collins has demonstrated her ability to kiss ass to Trump and show her butt cheeks to everyone else.


The Wall Street Journal published a headline this week that was probably noticed in the West Wing. “For CEOs and Bankers, the Trump Euphoria Is Fading Fast,” it read. The accompanying article added, “Corporate bigwigs are now using phrases like ‘fragility,’ ‘volatility’ and ‘wait and see’ to describe their outlooks.” (MSNBC)

It was their own desire for GREED, GLUTTONY, and GRIFTING that motivated the CEO’s of Corporations to endorse, support, and purchase the Trump presidency, and now it seems their purchase of his snake oil is causing them to think about how their profit line might be diminishing. 

Within the world of the 1%, it ain’t about the quality of a person but the quantity... and right now their guy is lacking in quality and maybe quantity 

The accompanying article added, “Corporate bigwigs are now using phrases like ‘fragility,’ ‘volatility’ and ‘wait and see’ to describe their outlooks.”