House Republicans are betting big on pain. The response from the GOP to massive spending cuts that would affect their constituents is to shield their ears against any possible outcry. (
When will those who continue to shoot themselves in their own feet begin to say ouch and recognize that Racism and Bigotry are not the answer to end their miseries in life, such as the cost of food, shelter, and medical care? And why haven’t the Dems been LOUDER in explaining in MAGA language how the real enemy of the people ain’t the Negro, Trans, Queer, Immigrant, but the Billionaires and their paid-for Republican Politicians.
This Department of Justice is following through on President Trump’s commitment to transparency and lifting the veil on the disgusting actions of Jeffrey Epstein and his co-conspirators,” Bondi said in the release. “The first phase of files released today sheds light on Epstein’s extensive network and begins to provide the public with long overdue accountability.” (
Okay, transparency, as in Trump, never knew or met this man. Transparency, as in how many times will Trump’s name NOT BE LISTED as ever being in contact with the man he has a myriad of photos taken? Transparency, as in how the fuck did Epstein manage to hang himself in prison, and no one seemed to spend more than a few hours figuring it out!