Tuesday, December 22, 2009

dear senator coburn

Dear Senator Tom Coburn, ( R) Oklahoma,

Isn’t it about time you fessed up and told us all in the rest of America, just what kind of religion you pretend to be so darned attached to?

You call your self a Christian, but I’ll be damned if you don’t follow any “love thy neighbor” or golden rules espoused by most true Christians.

You seem to think that lying about facts, stretching the truth, and wishing ill to other Senators (of the Democratic Party type) is something you heard, personally from Jesus himself. You seem to think that rules of life were made for others and that the RULES you abide by are written in some invisible ink only you and perhaps the boys who share your dorm on C Street in Washington D.C. can read and understand.

Your little jaunt into the extra marital affairs of your C Street buddy, Senator Jon Ensign (R ) Nevada, made you the go to man for extortion and funds for infidelity. You pooh poohed the basic fact that according to most Christians a basic principal of marriage, “to honor and obey” was trampled on, and for the sake of Politics, ignored what was correct for Senator Ensign to do (come clean), by condoning the extra-marital affair and wishing it away with a bribe. You said there was a doctor client privilege when asked about your involvement in the adulterous affair Senator Ensign originated with the married wife of his staff person. Even though you, by education are an obstetrician you felt cocky enough to white wash any telling of the truth by saying your client, a cheating male, and you a baby doctor had a doctor patient private chat.

Then when confronted with evidence of the truth of your unethical involvement did a good imitation of Sarah Palin, and said the facts presented were taken out of context and misleading. I know a whole lot of good Christians Senator and for them the truth, no matter how hard to hear is the truth and a man with a conscience and a true relationship with Jesus, faces the consequences. A coward with little too few morals just hides and tries to justify his/her behavior by blaming others.

And what God is it you pray to who insists that facts don’t count? You stood before crowds of constituents, people who elected you because you told them you stood for good, for right, for honesty, telling them about “death panels”, and abortion clinics in the proposed Health Care Reform Bill. You espoused about issues that never once were real, and never once were ever going to be real. You would have rather denied other true Christians the benefits you have as a Senator relating to health care, just to deny any Bill from President Obama to come to fruition. Was it the hate for the President, the money from the anti reform lobbyists or your need to self serve before serving others that encourages your evil actions?

And now the latest of revelations from you on the Senate floor; saying to those Christians who actually do believe in a higher power, that the only thing left to do is pray that all the Senators do not make it to the Senate floor to vote on the Health Care Reform Bill. What were they supposed to pray for Senator Coburn, that their God maim the boogie men, bring plagues upon their homes, and slay them? And what for, so by voting to at least get the Health Care Bill to the floor enabling our Elected Officials to do what the American Constitution was usually known for... a fair debate on issues!

Thank goodness, Senator Coburn I do not live in your state. I fear for the people of Oklahoma as they have a Senator who thinks he is a God, who can lie, who can wish harm, and who has very little moral or ethical values.

If you had any ounce of dignity or character Senator Coburn you would ask the people of Oklahoma and the God you mock, Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

Tis the season Senator, and I wonder what a man so un- Christian in his behavior as you does to celebrate a time when hope and goodness prevail? You may quote the scripture Senator, but your words have very little relevance and meaning.

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