Friday, December 11, 2009

season for honest

We have approached the time of year when those who find faith in religion are ready to celebrate miracles. Those who believe in the power of nature realize the beauty of the winter’s solstice. And those who find the strength of the human soul the source of good and evil perhaps some vacation time to contemplate their thoughts.

For most, this December potpourri of holidays, weather patterns, shades of pinks and light blues in the sky complimented by the rainbow of bulbs strewn on the chimneys and frames of homes can be a time of reflective honesty. And if honesty is prioritized, promoted because “Santa” is making a list of who is naughty or nice, or the flames on the Hanukah menorah glow bright due to perseverance and promise, or the seven principles of Kwanza are being honored or merely the logs on the fire place emit warm heart felt feelings it does not matter What matters is that to be honest is to deny falsehood and lies. What matters to admit your fears your bias, your bigotry and stop disguising them as anything else but human frailty.

Curious how we are told, (we Americans) who happen to have attributes other than just being GLBT btw, that equality does not hold true when it comes to “same sex marriage” laws in this country as written for the heterosexual, or “opposite sex couples”. We are constantly preached to that the demise of the sacred Institution of Marriage, (the one held so high and esteemed by the hetero community), will surely happen if the LGBT community is allowed to participate. For science if not God’s word, has shown that “gays” can not love unconditionally, can not remain monogamous, and can not fulfill the covenant of marriage.

Ask Jenny Sanford, (wife of the Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford) who recently filed for divorce. She told reporters “His (Mark) far more egregious offenses were committed against God, the institutions of marriage and family.” Seems the Governor felt the wanderlust, the intrigue, the pursuit of another woman were priorities needing tending to and that since he was a man of God, a heterosexual, the tenants of the Institution of Marriage could be ignored.

Funny how Governor Sanford, Senator Ensign, Senator McCain, Governor Spitzer, House Speaker Gingrich, Mayor Giuliani’s adulterous, affairs are over looked as injurious to the Institution of Marriage. They are only minor discretions and surely since they are heterosexual discretions God, who established the whole man marrying woman rule will pardon them.

Amazing how those save marriage groupies swear it has nothing to do with the homosexual thing, just a matter of principles that add to make the Institution of Marriage strong, and of course, strong for the children.

And then the Catholic Church always to the rescue of the righteous, or at least their definition of the righteous, just can’t seem to overlook the sin of same sex marriage. It is a recipe for evil and ungodly like behavior. Seems what is righteous and what they make righteous is debated when it comes to their own priests. Once again, most recently this time with Irish priests, the issue of child molestation has reared its ungodly hat.

Dublin Archbishop Diarmund Martin who handled over more than 60,000 previously secret files to the three-year investigation of Irish priests, said he felt deep shame and sorrow for how previous archbishops presided over endemic child abuse-yet claimed afterward not to understand the gravity of their sins. Martin added-they (the archbishops) must have understood that priests molestation and rape of boys and girls “was a crime in both civil and canon law.”

Yet the Catholic Church has not missed a beat in exclaiming how sinful how much of a crime it is for “same sex couples in love to marry. Hide the rape and molestation of kids, but scream from the Vatican about how wrong it is when people loving one another are loving one another within the same gender.

And the Church of Ladder day Saints, big on many of the say no to “gay marriage” propositions in the U.S; have howled long and loud from their divine Temples about the evils of homosexuality. And have sworn, when they even admit to aiding and abiding the anti “gay marriage” groupies, they do what they do only to keep the Institution of Marriage alive and well. The LDS take a supposedly “understanding and compassionate view of homosexuality by stating that (homosexuality is caused by dysfunctional parenting, typically by an overbearing mother and emotionally distant father. So dysfunctional people marrying would only place a strain on the Institution of Marriage.

The LDS Church has had its share of theology changes in the past. They temporarily suspended Polygyny in 1890, and reversed their racist policies against African-Americans in 1978. Both multiple marriages and racism were apparently Gods word, but in the LDS religious community Gods influence can change and thus allow for traditions once considered God’s word to be altered.

But according to Harold Brown LDS official spokesman “no amount of press coverage is going to influence God to change the rules about homosexuality. Who knew God even read the newspapers or watch CNN.

This is a season for many who believe in the Catholic Church, the Church of Ladder Day Saints, the Evangelical Protestant Churches, belief systems to honor the birth of a Savior. It is a season where many parishioners are asked to “come clean”, to be honest, to look to the Lord with pure heart.

So then why not admit that those who oppose “same sex marriage” oppose it because they fear, loathe, are uneducated about homosexuals. Why not admit it’s not the Institution we are protecting, it is our bigotry we allow to lead our judgment. If that bit of honesty was admitted, then both sides of the “same sex argument might be able to talk to find consensus. If they leave God out of the issue, as they have left him out when it comes to “opposite-sex” divorce, protecting child molesting priests, dysfunctional parenting, then we could address this issue like humans, man to man, woman to woman.

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