Monday, December 21, 2009

triumph over

On my way to work, I try to overlook the traffic and congestion of LA roads by listening to NPR. If ever I want to hear real news, not tainted by the bias of a shock jock, or a clown pretending to be a journalist, or some talking head who repeats the same mundane nonsense sentence after sentence, NPR is the home of honest reporting.

Of course I have my views on politics and Politicians, and find some of the reports from NPR disturbing (especially when they interview people who are either lying about the truth, never cared about the truth, or try and influence the truth by repeating consistent in factual rumors), but a hearty helping of yelling at the radio, elevates any kind of road rage towards the idiot drivers on the roadways.

I usually can tolerate the news reports, (wishing however at times some large hand would sweep down from the heavens smacking the idiots, imbeciles, and morons who double speak or speak with forked tongue, scattering their lying bones out into the universe). If only there was a PolyGram machine attached 24/7 to politicians and world leaders that when a white lie turned any other color, the machine would cut off the blood flow of the lying liar until he/she repented and spoke the truth. I usually can tolerate the news reports, but today, Monday December 21, 2009, I could not.

I became so ill, so overwhelmed by the sound bytes from three Republican Senators Jim DeMint ( R ) South Carolina, John Kyle ( R ) Arizona, Sam Brownback ( R ) Kansas and one masked as an Independent, Joe Lieberman ( I ), Connecticut that I had to turn off the news, open the window, scream in a pitch so high a flock of pigeons threw themselves into on coming cars, and people pulled over thinking a slew of ambulances and fire trucks were bombarding down the street.

All four Senators have been trying to defeat the Health Reform Bill. As Senators they all have the obligation for due diligence and to interpret the pro’s and con’s of this bill and any other bill for its merits and its flaws. All four Senators as well as the remaining 96 Senators were elected under oath to “…solemnly swear (or affirm) to support and defend the Constitution of the United States…will bear true faith and allegiance to the same… take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion…” All four Senators are to serve the people of the United States not for their own personal financial gains, not increase their own power base, and not satisfy their own private need for greed or gluttony. Just serve the citizens who elected them not the lobbyists.

Today, as I smashed my fist against the radio dial to silence my ears from blasphemous B.S., insulting innuendo, and pre conceived fabrications, all four of these Senators once again seemed to forget their Oath of Office and continued their insidious harangues against the people of America.

Two quoted the scripture as the true voice of reason, the New Testament scripture, praising Jesus the Lord. Two made statements reaffirming we would open abortion clinics and continue to hold death panels for the elderly. One said that it would cost taxpayers much more and that it really was wise, right now for 30 million more Americans to receive any relief or coverage fro medical insurance. And one responded no matter what we will kill this bill.

Over and over the tactics have been to deny any reform to Americans that might cost the Health Insurance Cartel and the Pharma-Conglomorates a single dollar. Over and over again these four Senators and their colleagues have been recipients of lobbyist money, exchanging dollars for influence. Over and over again these Senators have confused the issue of separation of “church and state” as defined in our Constitution. And over and over these Senators have disguised the truth, avoided the real facts, and have tried to scare the average non thinking, self loathing; bigoted Americans into choosing a plan that will end up hurting most of them.

And over and over I have listened hoping saner, wiser, more honest people would come to the rescue and find consensus and make change.

But no, not this time.

I used to believe that good triumphs over evil, but sadly I am finding that there is no room for being right, just a lot more dollars for being wrong.

I have to journey home at the end of the day; I wonder what I will listen to on the radio?

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