Tuesday, December 8, 2009

got argument?

All kind of compromises are being jostled about, about Health Insurance, Health Coverage, and the quality of human life.

We just can’t afford to allow all Americans to have a universal health package, not now, just not the right thing to do, what with the jobless rate increasing, the recession on Main Street still recessing.

This is America; we can’t disallow big corporations to stop making huge profits. Not fair to the Capitalistic nature of what makes this country great. Start interfering with the Health Biz Cartel, and we will all become a socialist, commie country. You got to maintain the upper class, the wealthy class from other classes otherwise there would be no motivation to work, work hard and hire those to pay less.

And most of the people who are obese, sickly-ish, not covered with health insurance, underinsured brought that on themselves. Hell, I worked hard and can afford to pay through the ceiling I might add, for my Health Coverage. I had some pre-existing health conditions, but no one ever found out about them--- yet, so I am okay.

Americans are equal, damn it, at least the ones not having babies out of wedlock. The ones who try and find a job, the ones who pay taxes just like me, the ones who believe in my God. Those are the ones who have no complaints about their Health Insurance.

This is America; we do have distinctions of class in this country for necessity. And those social distinctions separate “us” from having to share what is our God given right to have, to keep, from “them.” Like Health Care!

All you Fatties, Unemployed, Terminally Ill, Poor, Bastard Children and their immoral Mothers, if you don’t like the current Health Care in MY country, just leave, go!

I am content with my coverage, nothing is going to happen to me as long as I work, and pay, and stay—well, HEALTY.

ALL those Republican Senators and those God fearing Blue Dog Dems, are doing the right thing fighting this Obama Care “slight of hand” voodoo. Even though all those ELECTED OFFICIALS have excellent Health Insurance, round the clock care, extended benefits for their family, a Government run Health Care Plan, they know that they deserve it, and don’t want to give the same coverage to just any American. Those ELECTED OFFICIALS work hard with the Lobbyists from the Health Insurance Cartel, and Big Pharma to keep those corporations greedy. It certainly is no easy task to try and do the bidding of their constituents as well as be a lemming for the men and women who put money in their political coffers. Running for office is no cheap experience.

It is time to stop the debate, just say NO, and just draw a line in the sand on Capitol Hill. Those who should have health Coverage WILL, it is just that simple. This IS America.

Imagine just how far America would have NEVER moved if all we listened to was selfish, self serving, politicians and citizens. Perhaps had we followed the route of what is good for ME is all that matters, we would never have become sophisticated enough to realize we ALL need Health Care Reform.

How many more Americans will die earlier in their life, live a very painful and sick life, suffer and find more despair as they choose, food or medical care, rent or prescriptions, while we debate the issue of Health Care?

How many and when will the fickle no health coverage finger of fate point in your direction?

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